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单词 thesaurus/articles/to-admire-someone-or-something

Thesaurus article:to admire someone or something

to admire someone or something

These words mean to feel respect and approval for someone or something.

You canadmirea person or their good qualities, achievements, work, etc.

I've always admired her for her generous spirit.
I admire his courage and determination.

If yourespectsomeone, you appreciate their good qualities or their status in life. In some cases you may not like them or approve of them.

I respect her for what she has achieved, but I would have approached it very differently.

Tothink highly ofsomeone means to admire them and approve of their behaviour. Tohold someone in high esteemand tohold someone in high regardare more formal ways of saying this.

Everyone thinks highly of him.
Her colleagues in Washington hold her in very high esteem.
He contributed much to the life of York, and was held in high regard there.

Look up tomeans to admire someone, especially someone who is older than you and who you know personally.

She was my older sister and I looked up to her.

If youworshipsomeone, you have a very special admiration for them, often so much that you do not notice their bad qualities. You can alsohero-worshiporidolizesomeone. The UK English spelling ofidolizeisidolise.

Teenagers have always worshipped their idols.
As a young boy I hero-worshipped my older brother.
We live in a culture that idolizes skinny celebrities.

Revereandvenerateare formal words meaning to admire and respect someone very much and think they are special.Adulatehas a similar meaning, and is used especially when the admiration is more than is deserved.

He was revered more for his philosophy than his politics.
The older people in the village are venerated for their experience, judgment, and wisdom.
Everywhere he goes, people adulate him and treat him as some kind of god.

Standorbe in aweof someone orhold someone in aweare used when you admire someone very much and find their achievements extremely impressive and perhaps surprising.

We are all in awe of his immense knowledge of the field.
I stand in awe of your ability to hold an audience.
The violinist is held in awe for his technical virtuosity.

If youlionizesomeone, you treat them in a special way as if they were famous. The UK English spelling oflionizeislionise. You can also usecelebrateorfete.Celebrateis the only one of these three verbs that can be used for people and things.

Everywhere he goes he is lionized by his followers.
Her art celebrates the feminine.
They are feted by audiences all over the world.

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