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单词 thesaurus/articles/to-forget-something

Thesaurus article:to forget something

to forget something

These words all refer to being unable to remember something.

The most common word for this isforget.

I can't believe I've forgotten her birthday!
Don't forget the milk.
I'll never forget the first time we met.

The opposite offorgetisremember.

I'm quite good at remembering names.

For more opposites offorget, see the article atremember.

The expressionslip someone's mindis often used informally when someone forgets to do something.

I meant to tell you that he'd phoned, but it completely slipped my mind.

If a word ison the tip of your tongue, you have forgotten it but think that you will very soon remember it.

Oh, what was that movie called? It's on the tip of my tongue.

If something such as a nameescapes you, you cannot remember it.

The name of her book escapes me at the moment.

If someone forgets something because remembering it causes them harm, you can say they haveblanked it out.

The dinner where he admitted the affair was so painful that I must have blanked it out.

Ifyour mind is a blankoryour mind goes blank, you suddenly cannot remember what you are trying to remember. Sometimes this phrase is also used when you can't think of anything at all.

He stepped to the mic to sing and his mind went blank.
I was going to thank her in her native language, but my mind was a blank.

If you quickly forget something that you have been told, you can say informally that itgoes in one ear and out the other.

He told me his name, but I'm afraid it went in one ear and out the other.
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