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单词 thesaurus/articles/to-intentionally-not-give-someone-or-something-any-attention

Thesaurus article:to intentionally not give someone or something any attention

to intentionally not give someone or something any attention

These words all refer to intentionally not giving a person or thing your attention.

One of the most common words for this, and the word with the broadest meaning, isignore.Ignorecan be used especially to refer to not listening to someone or something.

The buzzing is irritating, but try to ignore it.
Until you can speak calmly, I'm ignoring you.
Officials ignored warnings from cybersecurity experts about the instability of the electricity supply.
The minute she walked into the room, he turned his back on her and ignored her.

One opposite ofignoreislisten.Listenis often followed byto.

We listened to his concerns carefully.
Don't turn off the radio - I'm listening.
If you'd listened to my advice, you wouldn't be in debt.

For more opposites ofignore, see the article atlisten.

Disregardcan be used when someone decides not to listen to things like instructions, advice, or warnings that are told to them.

He disregarded the advice of his doctor and went back to work.

The opposite ofdisregardisheed.Heedis more formal than disregard is.

Travellers would do well to heed all travel warnings from the government.

The phrasesturn a blind eye to something,close your eyes to something, andshut your eyes to somethingcan be used when someone ignores something bad and pretends it is not happening. The phrasesturn a blind eye toandclose your eyes toare slightly more formal thanshut your eyes to.

Until now, the mayor has turned a blind eye to the city's homelessness problem.
The administration closed its eyes to human-rights abuses by its soldiers.
He shut his eyes to the problem and pretended that everything was fine.

If youturn a deaf earto something, especially a request or a complaint, you ignore it.

The emperor turned a deaf ear to their cries for mercy.
The warden turned a deaf ear to prisoner complaints.




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