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单词 thesaurus/articles/to-lie-on-the-surface-of-someone-or-something

Thesaurus article:to lie on the surface of someone or something

to lie on the surface of someone or something

These words are used to describe things that lie on the surface of someone or something else.

One common word for this iscover.Covercan be used in active and passive constructions.

Snow covered the ground.
Fallen leaves covered the forest floor.
The children were covered in blankets before bed.

If a layer of something covers something else, you can say that itoverlaysthat thing.Overlaytends to be used in more technical writing, and it is often used in passive constructions.

Clicking this button will overlay your map with satellite images of the terrain.
The Earth's molten outer core is overlaid with a thick layer of rock called the 'mantle'.

If something covers someone or something else in a thick layer, you can say that thingblanketsorenshroudsthe person or thing.Enshroudis used when the person or thing covered can't be seen. Both words appear in writing and literary language.

The fields were blanketed with early-morning mist.
Snow blanketed the town centre.
The mountaintops were enshrouded in a thick veil of cloud.
The nebula completely enshrouded the new galaxy.
The hikers were enshrouded in thick fog and unable to move forward safely.

Buryis used when someone or something is covered completely by a large quantity of something.Buryis usually used in passive constructions.

The shed was completely buried by rubble.
The hikers were buried by the avalanche but, miraculously, all of them survived.

If somethingis carpeted withsomething else, it is covered evenly or fully with that thing. This phrase is used most often to describe flat or wide places that are covered with something.

The aisle was carpeted with rose petals.
The meadow was carpeted with flowers.

In literary language, if a thing isbestrewnwith something else, the surface of that thing is covered in an uneven layer of something.Bestrewis often used in passive constructions.

Paper was bestrewn about the floor.
The bedspread was bestrewn with flowers.
The lake's surface, bestrewn with autumn leaves, was still.

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