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单词 thesaurus/articles/to-make-fire-or-damage-with-fire

Thesaurus article:to make fire or damage with fire

to make fire or damage with fire

These words mean to produce flames, or to destroy something or be destroyed with fire.

A fireburns.

The fire was still burning after 24 hours.

Things such as cars, lamps, machines, etc. canburnsomething as fuel to produce energy.

The car burns biofuel.

You can also say that somethingburnswhen it is destroyed by fire.

She burned his diaries to stop the information from becoming public.
The house burned to the ground.

If a fireblazes, it burns strongly or brightly.

Bush fires blazed across the county.

If somethingsmoulders, it burns slowly with smoke but without flames.Smoulderis the UK English spelling. The spelling in US English issmolder.

UKThe fire smouldered and soon went out.

If a source of heatscorchessomething, it makes it change colour or burn slightly.Scorchis also often used, especially in the media, to talk about land being destroyed by wildfires. You can also say that somethingscorches, but this is less frequent.

The sun had scorched the grass and turned it brown.
The land was scorched by wildfires.
The paper was starting to scorch in the heat of the flame.

If somethingsingesoris singed, it burns slightly at the ends or on the surface, without producing flames.

The curtains were starting to singe and smoke.
The branches were singed but did not catch fire.

If somethingis seared, the surface is burned with sudden very strong heat.

His lungs were seared in the intense heat of the blaze.

If somethingcharsoris charred, it burns and becomes black.Blackencan have the same meaning.

The branches started to char.
The beams were charred, but the roof remained intact.
The fire blackened the beams in the barn, but they were still sound.

If somethingis incineratedit is badly burned. Things can alsobe incineratedin a special machine that burns them at a very high temperature, in order to destroy them.

All my clothes were incinerated in the blaze.
Medical waste has to be incinerated at extremely high temperatures.

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to start burning
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