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单词 thesaurus/articles/to-praise-someone-or-something

Thesaurus article:to praise someone or something

to praise someone or something

These words refer to expressing admiration and approval for someone or for the things they have done.

Praiseis used for expressing admiration over someone's character, or the things that person has done.Praiseis slightly formal and appears in writing much more often than it appears in speech.

Lawmakers praised the bipartisan deal.
She was praised by her department chair for transitioning to online learning seamlessly.

If youcongratulatesomeone, you praise that person and say that you are pleased for his or her success or because something special has happened.

I congratulated him on passing his driving test.

Complimentcan be used when someone praises what someone has done or the way that person looks.

I was just complimenting Robert on the wonderful meal he has cooked.

If someone praises a person publicly or officially, you can use the verbcommendor the phrasepay tribute to.

The judge commended her for her bravery.
He paid tribute to the firefighters who had saved his daughter's life.

Flattermeans to make someone feel important or attractive, or to praise someone in order to please them.

I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money.

In informal contexts, the verbraveis used when someone praises someone or something a lot.

Everyone's raving about the new band.
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