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Thesaurus article:to walk

to walk

These words refer to moving forward by putting one foot in front of the other.

The most common word for this iswalk.Walkhas a very broad meaning, but generally is used to refer to a movement that is at a normal speed and done in a normal way.

The baby has just learned to walk.
I'm going to walk down to the seaside.

If someone walks somewhere very quickly in a determined way, you could use the verbsstrideormarch.Strideusually implies that you are taking very long steps, andmarchimplies that you are taking very regular and loud steps.

She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.
He marched right in to the office and demanded to see the governor.

Stroll,wander, andamblecan be used when someone walks in a slow and relaxed way.Strollandambleimply that you are walking for pleasure, andwanderimplies you are walking without purpose or direction.

We strolled along the beach.
She wandered from room to room, not sure of what she was looking for.
She ambled down the street, looking in shop windows.

If someone is walking slowly because they are tired or bored, you could use the verbplod.

We plodded on until we reached the cottage.

Paceis used when someone walks in one direction and back in the other direction several times because the person is anxious.

He paced up and down the hospital corridor waiting for news.

If someone is walking in a very confident way, especially when you find it annoying, you could use the verbswagger.

He was swaggering around like he owned the place.

Staggercan be used when someone walks in a very unsteady way.

He staggered under the weight of all our luggage.

To say that someone walks somewhere very quietly, you could use the verbscreeportiptoe.

Someone was creeping around outside.
He waited until the baby was asleep and tiptoed out of the room.

Hikeandtrekcan be used when someone walks a long way in the countryside.

They hiked through Mount Rainier National Park.
They spent the day trekking through forests.

For words that describe moving faster than walking speed using your legs, see the article atrun.

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