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Thesaurus article:wanting or needing food

wanting or needing food

These words describe the feeling of wanting or needing to eat food.

The most common word for this ishungry.

By dinner time we all felt really hungry.
I hope you're hungry - I've made a huge lunch!

There are many ways to say that you are very hungry. Two common words for that arestarvingor, mainly in US English,starved. Both of these words are informal, butstarvingis more common thanstarvedin both US English and UK English.

Is there anything to eat? I'm starving!
USHe ate so quickly, like he was starved.

One opposite ofstarving, also informal, isstuffed. If you are stuffed, you have eaten enough food, and often too much food.Stuffedis always used after a verb.

Oh, I couldn't eat another bite - I'm stuffed!

If someone isfamishedthey are extremely hungry. You can also say they areravenous.Famishedis informal.

After that long workout, I'm absolutely famished.
He's going through a growth spurt, so he's just ravenous.

If you are extremely hungry, you can humorously say thatyou are so hungry,you could eat a horse. The idiom is used with and without the phraseI'm so hungry.

How many hours until dinner? Ugh, I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!
Mum, I hope you made a big supper. I could eat a horse.

Hangryis an informal and slightly humorous word to describe being so hungry that you feel angry.

You'd better feed the baby before he gets hangry and starts wailing.

Voraciousis used to describe a person or an animal that is very eager for food. It often appears in the phrasea voracious appetite.

Ducks are voracious eaters and can help control slugs and snails in the garden.
When she's training for a competition, she has a voracious appetite.

If you are a little bit hungry, you can say in UK English that you arepeckish.

UKI felt a bit peckish so I stopped for a bite to eat.
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