tosucceedinfinishingsomething orreachinganaim,especiallyafter a lot ofworkoreffort:
(尤指经过努力)完成;达到;实现The government'strainingpolicy, heclaimed, was achievingitsobjectives.他称政府制定的培训方针即将达到预期目标。
Shefinallyachieved herambitiontovisitSouthAmerica.她终于实现了去南美洲旅游的梦想。
I've beenworkingallday, but Ifeelas if I've achieved nothing.我干了整整一天,但觉得好像什么都没有做成。
fulfil(MAKE HAPPEN)mainlyUK
See also
to achieve something
- achieveAfter years of rejection, she finally achieved success on the big screen.
- fulfilI fulfilled my dreams of becoming a marine biologist.
- realizeUKThere was nothing to prevent her from realising her ambitions.
- come trueI worked so hard to be a doctor, and now my dream has come true.
- accomplishThese goals will be extremely hard to accomplish.
- attainAfter years of struggle, the nation attained independence.
to receive or be given something
- getI got a new bike for my birthday.
- receiveYou will receive your tickets by email.
- obtainAfter many years of trying, she finally obtained Brazilian citizenship.
- gainYou will improve at the job as you gain experience.
- earnEventually, you will earn the dog's trust.
- achieveShe achieved top marks in the physics exam.
- We've achieved somemarvellousresultswith this newdrug.
- He has already achieved hismainambitioninlife- tobecomewealthy.
- I've beenworkingallday, but Ifeelas if I've achieved nothing.
- She was sodesperateforsuccessthat she'd do anything to achieve it.
- We've set ourselves aseriesofgoalsto achieve by the end of themonth.
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
- A game
- accomplish
- acquit
- actualize
- attain
- bear
- go (like/down) a bombidiom
- go from strength to strengthidiom
- go into orbitidiom
- go placesidiom
- go the whole hogidiom
- grade
- kill
- rise
- sewsomethingup
- slam dunk
- smash itidiom
- somewhere
- stand out
- streak ahead