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Thesaurus article:without help

without help

If you do somethingalone, you do it without help. You can also say that you do it(all) by yourselfor, in UK English,(all) on your own. Usingallwith both of these phrases can add emphasis, and children often say these phrases when they do something without help.

I don't think I can fix the car alone - can you help?
Our kitchen's so tiny, it's easier to do the washing up alone.
I can find the restaurant by myself, thank you.
I tied my shoes all by myself, Mummy!
UKI learnt the song all on my own.

If you do something without the help of anyone or anything else, especially in a way that is surprising or amazing, you can say that you have done itsingle-handedly.

She single-handedly saved the company from bankruptcy.
The soldier was given a commendation for single-handedly capturing eleven enemy soldiers.

If you do somethingunassisted, you do it without the help of other people or of other things.Unassistedis often used in medical contexts.

After years of using a cane, intensive physio enabled her to walk unassisted.
He scored the team's only goal of the match unassisted.

In medical contexts, if a person does somethingunaidedorindependently, it means they can do it without any help from a nurse or from special equipment.

After six months of treatment I can finally walk unaided.
The charity helps people to live independently.

If a person does something very difficult without other people's help, especially when it is normal to have help, you can describe the thing they do with the adjectivesolo

After the band split up, she embarked on a solo career.
He did a solo climb of Mt Kilimanjaro(= he climbed Mt Kilimanjaro without other people to help him along the way).

You can also use the adjectivesingle-handedto describe something that is done by one person.

It was a single-handed voyage across the Channel.

An activity that issolitaryis done alone.

She took a solitary walk in the park.

The adjectiveunsupportedcan be used to describe doing something without anyone's help. It often implies that you are doing something without any encouragement from other people.

She made another attempt to climb the mountain unsupported.
Babies can first stand unsupported between nine and twelve months.
We were unsupported in our quest to find a vaccine for the disease.

Asingle parentis a person who has a child or children but does not have a spouse or partner who lives with them to help care for the child. In UK English, this person can also be called alone parent.

She was a single mother working two jobs to keep her kids fed.
UKNearly 15 per cent of the households in this neighbourhood are headed by a lone parent.

There are many phrases to describe doing something without anyone else's help. You cango it aloneor, in UK English, you can do somethingunder your own steam.

The nation needs allies - it can't go it alone.
UKYou can see quite a lot of the city under your own steam and without hiring a car.

If you make something without help, you can say in UK English that you've made itwith your own fair hands. This is a humorous use.

UK"Did you make this cake?" "With my own fair hands!"

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