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单词 thesaurus/articles/your-relatives

Thesaurus article:your relatives

your relatives

These are all words used for members of your family, but usually not your parents, children, or siblings.

You can refer generally to the people you are related to as yourrelativesor yourextended family. In more formal contexts, you can also call them yourrelations.

All my relatives gather every year for a family reunion.
He has a very large extended family.
She is a distant relation of his, though I don't quite remember how.

Kinis an old-fashioned word for your relatives, though today it is used in the common phrasenext of kinto refer to your closest living relative.Next of kinoften appears in formal contexts.

He remained true to his kin.
Please list your next of kin on the form.

In English we often talk about relatives on ourmother's or father's side of a family. This is a way of referring to all the people you are related to through your mother or your father who are not your siblings or grandparents. The phraseof the familyis optional.

I have aunts and uncles on my mother's side of the family.
She's your aunt? On your mother's or father's side?

If you share a common ancestor, for example, a grandparent, with someone, you could call them ablood relationor, more commonly, ablood relative.

Are you two blood relatives or related by marriage?
The will stipulated that only blood relations would inherit property.

If someone is related to you because they or one of their relatives have married someone in your family, you show that by using the phrasein-lawafter the relation word. For example, yourmother-in-lawis your spouse's mother, and yourfather-in-lawis your spouse's father.Brother-in-lawhas a broader use: it can be used to describe the husband of one of your siblings or the brother of your spouse.Sister-in-lawis used in the same way.

I rather like my mother-in-law.
He was my father-in-law, but he loved me as if I were his own son.
My sister and my brother-in-law have invited us for Christmas.
My husband has three brothers, but I'm closest to the brother-in-law in Kent.
Is she your sister or your sister-in-law?
We share a last name, but are only sisters-in-law: we married brothers.

The sister or sister-in-law of one of your parents is called youraunt. The brother or brother-in-law of one of your parents is called youruncle. There is no gender-neutral term for a sibling of one of your parents.

My aunt still sends me birthday cards though my mother passed away years ago.
I have uncles on my mother's side of the family.

The uncle of one of your parents is called yourgreat-uncle, and the aunt of one of your parents is called yourgreat-aunt. There is no gender-neutral term for a sibling of one of your grandparents.

I have four great-uncles, but only two still living.
We're going to visit your great-aunt at the weekend.

The daughter of one of your siblings, or the daughter of a brother- or sister-in-law, is called yourniece. The son of one of your siblings, or the son of a brother- or sister-in-law, is called yournephew. There is no gender-neutral term for a child of one of your siblings or your brothers- or sisters-in-law.

My niece is turning five today!
My nephew is coming to stay with us for a few days.

The child of your aunt or uncle is called yourcousin.Cousincan also be used to refer to any child of a distant relative.

I have five cousins on my mother's side and three on my father's side.

There are specific ways to talk about how closely related you and your cousins are. Yourfirst cousinis the child of an aunt or uncle. Yoursecond cousinis the child of your first cousin. If you are in the same generation as one of your relatives, but are not descended directly from a common ancestor, you can use the adjectiveremovedwith words likeonceandtwiceto show how many generations back you must go to find a common ancestor.

He's my first cousin - my aunt had him when I was just a baby.
My first cousin's son is my second cousin.
She is my mother's cousin, which makes her my first cousin once removed(= separated by one generation).

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