uk/ˈtɪn.səl/us/ˈtɪn.səl/longpiecesofthin,shinymaterialused asdecoration,especiallyatChristmas:
(尤指圣诞节期间的)金属箔装饰物,闪光纸装饰物aChristmastreedecoratedwith tinsel缀有闪光纸饰物的圣诞树

Andy Crawford/Dorling Kindersley/GettyImages
something,especiallytheentertainmentbusinessor someone's way ofliving, thatseemsexcitingandattractive, but is really oflowqualityorvalue:
(尤指娱乐业或某人的生活方式)花哨而低俗,浮华The show was all tinsel andglitter.这一展览会华而不实。
Objects & decorations connected with celebrations
- Advent calendar
- ball
- balloon
- bauble
- bonbon
- bridal wear
- bunting
- Christmas ball
- festoon
- garland
- glow stick
- grogger
- hamper
- illumination
- noisemaker
- party popper
- pennant
- piñata
- souvenir
- wreath
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Attention-seeking, distracting and showing off