avocado toast
uk/ˌæv.əˌkɑː.dəʊ ˈtəʊst/us/ˌɑː.vəˌkɑː.doʊ ˈtoʊst/afoodconsisting ofcrushedavocado(= thepalegreenfleshof afruitwiththick,darkgreenorpurpleskinand alarge, roundseed)spreadontoast(=breadthat has beenheateduntil theoutsideis hard):
牛油果吐司Avocadotoastis aneasyand verynutritiousbreakfastorsnack.牛油果吐司是一种非常容易做而且有营养的早餐或零食。
![picture of avocado toast picture of avocado toast](https://dictionary.cambridge.org//images/thumb/avocad_noun_004_0127.jpg?version=5.0.287)
etorres69/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Forperfectavocadotoast, usefresh,crustywhole-wheat orsourdoughbread.
- Sheorderedcoffeeandavocadotoast.
- I make myavocadotoastwitholiveoil,coriander,limeandsalt.
- Themillionairewasquotedas saying he gotrichbysavingand notspendingmoneyonfrivolousthings such asavocadotoast.
Sandwiches & snacks
- banh mi
- Bombay mix
- breakfast bar
- butty
- Denver sandwich
- devils on horseback
- double-decker
- elephant ear
- fairy bread
- jam sandwich
- kettle chip
- mezze
- muffuletta
- munchies
- sandwich
- sarnie
- shrimp chip
- slider
- snack mix