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thinadjective(NOT THICK)A2having asmalldistancebetween twooppositesides: 薄的;细的 a thinbook薄薄的书 thinblacklines细黑线 a thinjacket(= made from thinmaterial)薄夹克 - Flatten thepastryinto a thindiscwithyourhands.
- There was a thinlayerofoilon thesurfaceof thewater.
- Dictionaries are usuallyprintedon thinpaper.
- Thepartitionsbetween thetoiletswere very thin.
- Heshiveredwithcoldin his thincottonshirt.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThin and fine - attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuation
- delicate
- elongated
- lean
- narrow
- narrowness
- paper-thin
- papery
- sheer
- slender
- slim
- slimline
- super-thin
- superfine
- thinly
- ultra-thin
- ultrafine
- wafer-thin
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: thinadjective(NOT FAT)A2(of thebody) with littlefleshon thebones: (身体)瘦的,不肥的 Did younoticehow thin herwristswere?你注意到她的手腕有多细了吗? Thin,hungrydogsroamedthestreets.瘦瘦的饿狗们在街上遛来遛去。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and exampleshaving less flesh on the body than average - thinShe's on a diet but I think she's already too thin.
- skinnyYou should eat more. You're much too skinny.
- scrawnyHe hated his scrawny legs.
- slimHe was tall, very slim, with pale, deep-set eyes.
- slenderHe put his arms around her slender waist.
See more results » be as thin as a rakeUK(mainlyUSbe as thin as a rail) Heeatslike ahorseandyethe's as thin as arake.他象马一样吃得多,却骨瘦如柴。 - She's so thinyetsheeatslike ahorse.
- She has animpossiblythinwaist.
- Thejackethunglooselyon his thinbody.
- She's got along, thinface.
- Runners come in allshapesandsizes-fatand thin,shortandtall.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal physiology: thin or slender (of people) - be skin and bone(s)idiom
- beanpole
- cadaverous
- ectomorph
- emaciation
- gauntness
- gracile
- hard-bodied
- hatchet-faced
- hollow
- hollow-cheeked
- lanky
- raw-boned
- scrawny
- skinny
- slenderize
- slight
- svelte
- sylphlike
- wasted
See more results » thinadjective(TRANSPARENT)notdifficulttoseethrough: 稀薄的SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTransparent - clear
- crystal
- crystal clearidiom
- crystalline
- densely
- diaphanous
- filminess
- filmy
- impenetrable
- limpid
- liquid
- opacity
- opaquely
- pellucid
- seesomeonethroughsomething
- thinly
- translucence
- translucent
- transparency
- transparent
thinadjective(FEW)having only asmallnumberofpeopleor asmallamountof something: 数量少的Attendance at themeetingwasratherthin.到会者寥寥无几。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSmall in number and quantity - beggarly
- below
- bubkes
- certain
- could countsomethingon (the fingers of) one handidiom
- count
- mildness
- mingy
- minimal
- minimally
- modestly
- outside
- piffling
- remote
- scantly
- slenderness
- smallness
- speak
- strength
- suggestion
See more results » thinadjective(AIR)Air that is thincontainslessoxygenthan theairatsealevel: Altitudesicknessissufferedbymountainclimbersbreathingthinairwith littleoxygenon highpeaks. For manyriders, the firstdayin themountainsis thehardest, as theystruggletoadjustto the thinnerair. In thenorthernhighlandsof Ethiopia theairis thin and I'mbreathlessafter theclimb. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe Earth & outer space - general words - ablate
- aeolian
- alluvium
- anti-gravity
- atmosphere
- auroral
- geo-
- geocentric
- geophysicist
- globe
- horizon
- lithosphere
- lithospheric
- mesosphere
- mesospheric
- microgravity
- the Big Bang
- the big bang theory
- the firmament
- underground
See more results » thinadjective(FLOWING EASILY)(of aliquid)flowingeasily: (液体)稀的,不黏稠的a thinsoup稀汤 Compareliquidadjective(SUBSTANCE) runny SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMovement of liquids - backsplash
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- bleed
- decant
- drainage
- drip
- eddy
- leakage
- ripple
- run a bathphrase
- runsomeone/somethingover
- runnel
- seep
- seepage
- spate
- swill
- swirl
- topsomethingup
- trickle
- tub
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Physics: the state of matter thinadjective(WEAK)weakor ofpoorquality: 弱的;拙劣的;空泛的a thinexcuse牵强的借口 a thindisguise容易识破的伪装 a thinsmile淡淡一笑 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWeakness and vulnerability - Achilles heel
- at a low ebbidiom
- be (only) flesh and bloodidiom
- besomeone'spoodleidiom
- brittle
- helplessly
- helplessness
- house of cardsidiom
- human
- impotence
- sitting target
- soft target
- submissive
- submissively
- submissiveness
- wetly
- wetness
- wimpy
- wonky
- wuss
See more results » Idiomsbe thin on the ground be thin on top into thin air have a thin time (of it) out of thin air the thin end of the wedge thinverb(LESS THICK)[T]to make asubstancelessthick, often byaddingaliquidto it: 使变稀,稀释 Thin thesaucedownwith a littlestock.加少量汤汁把调料弄稀一点。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPreparing food - batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- boil
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- grate
- ingredient
- jerk
- purée
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- toss
- zap
See more results » thinverb(FEWER)[IorT](alsothin out)When acrowdor agroupthins (out), itbecomesfewer innumber, and when you thin (out) agroupofplantsor other things, youremovesome to make them fewer: (使)变少 Thetrafficwill thin out after therushhour.交通高峰期过后车流量将减少。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBecoming and making smaller or less - abridgment
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuating
- attenuation
- boil
- damp
- falling
- falling-off
- foreshorten
- foreshortened
- go through the flooridiom
- rollback
- runsomeone/somethingdown
- rundown
- sag
- salami slicing
- shave
- telescope
- tumble
See more results » (Definition ofthinfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)thinadjective(NOT THICK)A2having asmalldistancebetween twooppositesides 薄的;细的a thinbook薄薄的书 thinblacklines细黑线 a thinjacket(= made from thinmaterial)薄夹克 - Flatten thepastryinto a thindiscwithyourhands.
- There was a thinlayerofoilon thesurfaceof thewater.
- Dictionaries are usuallyprintedon thinpaper.
- Thepartitionsbetween thetoiletswere very thin.
- Heshiveredwithcoldin his thincottonshirt.
thinadjective(NOT FAT)A2(of thebody) with littlefleshon thebones (身体)瘦的,不肥的Did younoticehow thin herwristswere?你注意到她的手腕有多细了吗? Thin,hungrydogsroamedthestreets.瘦瘦的饿狗们在街上遛来遛去。 be as thin as a rakeUK(mainlyUSbe as thin as a rail) 非常瘦;骨瘦如柴Heeatslike ahorseandyethe's as thin as arake.他象马一样吃得多,却骨瘦如柴。 - She's so thinyetsheeatslike ahorse.
- She has animpossiblythinwaist.
- Thejackethunglooselyon his thinbody.
- She's got along, thinface.
- Runners come in allshapesandsizes-fatand thin,shortandtall.
thinadjective(TRANSPARENT)thinadjective(FEW)having only asmallnumberofpeopleor asmallamountof something 数量少的Attendance at themeetingwasratherthin.到会者寥寥无几。 thinadjective(FLOWING EASILY)(of aliquid)flowingeasily thinadjective(WEAK)弱的;拙劣的;空泛的a thinexcuse牵强的借口 a thindisguise容易识破的伪装 a thinsmile淡淡一笑 Idiomsbe thin on the ground be thin on top disappear/vanish into thin air have a thin time (of it) out of thin air the thin end of the wedge thinverb(LESS THICK)[T]to make asubstancelessthick, often byaddingaliquidto it 使变稀,稀释Thin thesaucedownwith a littlestock.加少量汤汁把调料弄稀一点。 thinverb(FEWER)[IorT](alsothin out)When acrowdor agroupthins (out), itbecomesfewer innumber, and when you thin (out) agroupofplantsor other things, youremovesome to make them fewer. (使)变少Thetrafficwill thin out after therushhour.交通高峰期过后车流量将减少。 thin| American Dictionarythinadjective[-er/-est only](NOT DEEP)having asmalldistancefrom thetopto thebottomside: thinsummerclothing Thestatueiscoatedwith a thinlayerofgold. thinadjective[-er/-est only](NOT FAT)having littleextrafleshon thebody: thinarms/legs a thinface Models must betalland thin. thinadjective[-er/-est only](FEW)having only a few of somethingcoveringanarea; notdense: Hishairis thin ontop. Where there is littlerain,grassandtreesget thinner. thinadjective[-er/-est only](FLOWING EASILY)(of aliquid)flowingeasily: Webegandinnerwith a thin buttastysoup. thinadjective[-er/-est only](WEAK)lackingforceorsubstance;weak: a thin,metallictone Ithoughttheplotwas abitthin. Wesleptpoorlythatnightin the thinmountainair. thinverb[I/T](BECOME FEWER)tobecomefewer innumber, or to make agroupof things fewer innumber: [I]Traffic thins out after seven o’clock. [T]Animprovingeconomyhelpedthinunemploymentlines. (Definition ofthinfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)FINANCE,COMMERCEiftrading, etc. is thin, not manypeoplearebuyingorsellingshares, etc.: Investorperceptionsmaydecreasethevalueofhigh-riskbonds,especiallyina thinmarket. In anotherdayofthintrading, theFTSE100rose21 to 5269.5. having only asmallnumberofpeopleor asmallamountof something,especiallymoney: Wages arelowerin thearea, andunionmembershipis thin. Turnover wasextremelythin. athinbudget a thin margin/profit margin COMMERCEasituationin which there is only asmalldifferencebetween thetotalcostof making andsellingsomething and thepriceit issoldfor, or between thetotalamountofmoneyacompanyreceivesfromsalesand thetotalcostofproducingallitsproductsandservices: Cost is anissuein abusinessthatoperateson thinmargins. be stretched thin to not have enoughmoney,people,supplies, etc. tooperate, do ajob, orprovidewhat isneeded: Without moremoney, theprogramswould bestretchedthin. In thecurrenteconomicclimate,doctorsandnursesarestretchedthin andequipmentislackingin many of theclinics. the thin end of the wedgeUK something that is not veryharmfulin itself but that will be thestartof aharmfuldevelopment: Theintroductionof afeefor theservicehas beendescribedas "the thin end of thewedge" byunionleaders. thin on the groundUK existingonly insmallnumbersoramounts: Goodstrategicleadersare very thin on thegroundin UKcompanies. (Definition ofthinfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofthinthin Carrying ply fabric so that it is thinner includes holding; it's thus more than fabrics of comparable comprehensive.From theCambridge English Corpus Before we do this, we need to make them thinner.From theCambridge English Corpus The sequence comprises alternations of coarse tuff units that fine upwards and thinner lapilli-rich tuff horizons.From theCambridge English Corpus Due to the sign in it is important to know that is positive for all materials that get thinner when stretched.From theCambridge English Corpus The haze of nostalgia is thinned by humor.From theCambridge English Corpus Between the world wars that tradition had thinned.From theCambridge English Corpus Even in a more overtly alienated mood, the marrow of the complexity of the love-nature relationship is by no means thinned.From theCambridge English Corpus Seedlings were thinned to one plant per hole.From theCambridge English Corpus Seedlings were thinned to three per pot (capacity 900 ml) and held in place with foam bungs.From theCambridge English Corpus Trees that have not been thinned and have set a large crop will therefore tend to abscise far more fruits than trees that were thinned.From theCambridge English Corpus Only barren, diseased and lodged plants were thinned at later stages of crop growth.From theCambridge English Corpus The wall of the left ventricle was again hypoplastic and thinned.From theCambridge English Corpus Eight seeds were planted, and subsequently thinned to three following germination.From theCambridge English Corpus If farmers have to maintain a desired population at harvest, soil moisture, fertility and pest management must be improved and thinning should be completed earlier.From theCambridge English Corpus Farmers delayed thinning primarily to obtain more fodder.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/thin## |