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单词 threatened
indanger, orlikelytostopexisting
The Congorainforestis one of the world's most threatenedecosystems.刚果雨林是世界上最受威胁的生态系统之一。
Thepandais thebestknownofourthreatenedspecies.熊猫是世界上最著名的濒危物种。
People do notrealizehow very threatened theselandscapesthat wecherishare.人们没有意识到我们所珍视的这些景观受到的威胁有多大。
feelingthat somethingbadmighthappen, or that someone might do somethingbadto you
There should beproperpolicingsochildrencanwalkhomefromschoolwithoutfeelingthreatened.应该有足够的警务,使孩子们可以从学校步行回家而不会担惊受怕。
Under thestressofquestioning, he would havefeltvery threatened and beenlikelyto makeuntrueadmissions.在审讯的压力下,他原本会深感威胁,并可能做出不实的供词。
feelingthat someone or something mightcauseyou to be lessrespectedor lessadmired, orcauseyou toloseyourauthorityorposition
Doctors shouldn'tfeelthreatened bytheirpatientsaskingfor amedicinebyname.医生不应该因为病人点名要某种药物而感觉自己的权威受到挑战。
At thattimethechurchwasfeelingvery threatened anduncomfortablewith non-religioussociety.那时候,对于非宗教社会,教会感觉受到了威胁,很不舒服。
"Why are you so threatened by myideas?" heasks."你为什么对我的想法感觉如此受威胁?"他问道。
More examples
  • Five threatenedspecies,includingchinooksalmonandbaldeagles, might also be in the way of the nine-milepipelineproject.
  • This is why thesmallfamilyfarmis so threatened - it can never be asefficientorproducemilkascheaplyas alargerfarmwith hundreds ofcows.
  • Fundsintendedforproductdevelopmentwerespentondeliveringridiculouspaydealstobuyoff threatenedstrikes.
  • He gotwindof a threatenedattack.
  • Shefeelsvery threatened by theideaofconvictedterroristsbeingreleased.
  • Thesuitallegedhefeltso threatened intermsof his own and his family'ssafetythat he wasunabletoreturntowork.
  • Some of theinsecurestudentsmayfeelthreatened,inferiororevenaggressive.
  • Manymythsabout women have beendreamedup by threatened men.


In the present paper, agents have heterogeneous beliefs, but the existence of periodic equilibria is notthreatened. 10.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The most common response of peoplesthreatenedby regular attacks was to build walls.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In fact, the decentralisation projectthreatenedthe clientelist politicians who depended on health care patronage to sustain the political networks that underpinned their electoral machines.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It was, rather, a more comprehensive defense of a whole range of positive valuesthreatenedby rampant free-market practices and attitudes.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The chemical factories in the park produced serious pollutants thatthreatenedthe villagers' health and damaged their farmland.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Even the volumes that had not been damaged during shipment werethreatened, for they now faced the debilitating humidity of their new, tropical home.
From theCambridge English Corpus
They particularlythreatenedthe economic security of the typical widow, a woman with no holdings of her own who had joined her husband's patronym group.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In concert, they besieged the municipal offices to demand reimbursement in cash andthreatenedto withdraw their labour if this was not conceded.
From theCambridge English Corpus
How could anyone be tranquil in the enjoyment of liberty while remaining ever alert against the many dangers thatthreatened?
From theCambridge English Corpus
Not surprisingly, those who arethreatenedare those who have feltthreatenedin the past.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The apostrophe, however, isthreatenedacross almost its entire range of use.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Young people blended old and new in ways thatthreatenedthe dominance of their elders, traditional rulers, colonials and missionaries alike.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It is then clear that the immediate survival of these people isthreatenedwhen and where forests are damaged through inappropriate development.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In other words, to influence electoral outcomes, it is not enough for voters to feelthreatenedby immigrants.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, it is impossible with any confidence to interpret threats based on evidence concerning the actual occurrence of what isthreatened.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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