UKuk/ˈθruː.ə.baʊt/us/ˈθruː.ə.baʊt/aroadjunction(= whereroadscome together)consisting of amainroadthat goes through themiddleof aroundabout(= ajunctionwheretrafficmust go around acircularareain themiddle):
(有一条主要道路从中间贯穿而过的)贯通式环岛A throughabout is avariantof thesignalizedroundabout.贯通式环岛是红绿灯环岛的一种变体。
Work toconvertacontroversialthroughaboutjunctioninto aconventionalroundaboutwillbeginlaterthisyear.把一个有争议的贯通式环岛改造成传统环岛的工程将在今年晚些时候开始。
hamburger(ON ROAD)

Mr_Twister/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Yeovil's new throughabout is up andrunning.
- Thecouncilplanstobuilda throughabout on the A66.
- One of theringroad'sbusiestroundaboutsis going to beturnedinto a throughabout.
Road junctions
- box
- box junction
- circus
- cloverleaf
- corner
- crossing
- crossroad
- crossroads
- fork
- intersect
- intersection
- junction
- mini-roundabout
- roundabout
- spaghetti junction
- T-junction
- traffic circle
- turn off(something)
- turning