tie clip
uk/ˈtaɪ ˌklɪp/us/ˈtaɪ ˌklɪp/(alsotie bar,uk/ˈtaɪ ˌbɑːr/us/ˈtaɪ ˌbɑːr/)asmall,thin, oftendecorativepieceofmetalwornacrossatietofastenit to ashirt:
领带夹Heworeanexpensivejacket, aspotlesswhiteshirt, and abluetiewith aregimentaltieclip.他穿着一件昂贵的上衣,白衬衫一尘不染,蓝色的领带上别着军团的领带夹。
Vintagepiecesofmalejewellerysuch asdecorativetiepinsandtiebarsare indemand.装饰性领带别针和领带夹等复古男性首饰的需求量很大。

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- Magazines arefilledwithgiftideas, liketieclipsandvintagecarmodels, that you'd neverbuyyourself.
- You canbuykeyrings,tieclips, and othersmallsouvenirs.
- These arecufflinksand atiebarcommemoratingthe 1964 Cleveland Brownschampionship.
- Thesuit,shirt,tie,tiebarandpocketsquareare all from Paul Smith.
- ankle bracelet
- anklet
- bauble
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- butterfly
- cameo
- circlet
- clip-on
- cuff
- drip
- earring
- finery
- jewelled
- jewellery
- jewellery box
- pendant
- rhinestone
- sleeper
- sparkler
- treasure
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