Treating someone well
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
The SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition.
- allowance
- be spoilt for choiceidiom
- coddle
- cosset
- do
- do as you would be done byidiom
- dosomeoneproudidiom
- fuss
- fuss oversomeone/something
- handle/treatsomeonewith kid glovesidiom
- indulge
- indulgence
- kid
- make
- make much/a lot ofsomeoneidiom
- mollycoddle
- mother
- non-exploitative
- nurture
- overindulge
- overindulgence
- overindulgent
- pamper
- pampered
- pander tosomeone/something
- proud
- respect
- see
- seesomeonerightidiom
- smother
- spoil
- spoilsomeonerottenidiom
- succour
- treat
- treatsomeonelike royaltyidiom
- wet nurse
- wrap
- wrapsomeone(up) in cotton woolidiom