climate denier
uk/ˈklaɪ.mət dɪˌnaɪ.ər/us/ˈklaɪ.mət dɪˌnaɪ.ɚ/apersonwho does notacceptthatclimatechangeishappening, or does notacceptthat it iscausedbyhumanactivitysuch asburningfossilfuels:
气候变化否定论者Thesenatorsaid thatclimatedeniers and thefossilfuelindustrywere going to end up on thewrongsideofhistory.这位参议员说,气候变化否定论者和化石燃料业界终将站在历史错误的一边。
In herargumentsagainstprotectingthepolarbear, she referenced theworkof severalhigh-profileclimatedeniers.在她反对保护北极熊的论述中,她引用了几位知名气候变化否定论者的论调。
- Heaskshow it ispossibleforclimatedeniers to be put intopscientificpositionsin thegovernment.
- Shouldclimatedeniers bebannedfromexpressingtheiropinions, on thegroundsthat they'redangerouslymisinformed?
- What they refer to as "climatedeniers" are thepeoplewhobelievethat theclimatehas alwayschangedand always will.
Environmental issues
- agroecology
- air pollution
- anti-conservation
- anti-conservationist
- anti-consumer
- biodegradable
- carbon neutral
- feed-in tariff
- food insecure
- food insecurity
- food secure
- food security
- noise pollution
- nuclear winter
- populate
- sustainably
- tidal power
- tree hugger
- ultra-efficient