climate emergency
noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˌklaɪ.mət ɪˈmɜː.dʒəˌklaɪ.mət ɪˈmɜː.dʒə are beingcausedorlikelyto becausedbychangesin the world'sweather, inparticulartheworldgettingwarmeras aresultofhumanactivityincreasingthelevelofcarbondioxidein theatmosphere:
气候紧急状态,气候危机Not enough is being done totackletheclimateemergency.在应对气候紧急状况方面做得还不够。
- Theclimateemergencyis not beingaddressedwith thepoliticalurgencyitdeservesand with thenecessaryfinancialresources.
- He says that with therisingpriceoffossilfuels, and theclimateemergency,nuclearenergycan bepartof thesolution.
- Hequestionstheconsensusthat theEarthfacesa “climateemergency”.
- There is not always aprovenlinkbetweenglobalwarmingandspecificclimateemergencies.
Environmental issues
- agroecology
- air pollution
- anti-conservation
- anti-conservationist
- anti-consumer
- biodegradable
- carbon neutral
- feed-in tariff
- food insecure
- food insecurity
- food secure
- food security
- noise pollution
- nuclear winter
- populate
- sustainably
- tidal power
- tree hugger
- ultra-efficient