tightrope walker
uk/ˈtaɪt.rəʊp ˌwɔː.kər/us/ˈtaɪt.roʊp ˌwɑː.kɚ/apersonwhowalksalong atightrope(= atightlystretchedwireorropefixedhigh above theground), usually toentertainotherpeople:
走钢丝演员One of thebestactsat thecircuswas anamazingtightropewalker.马戏团最精彩的节目之一是一位神奇的走钢丝演员。

Jared Alden/GettyImages
- Why dotightropewalkerscarryalongpolewhile doingtheirstunt?
- Sheteeterson oneleg,armswaving, like atightropewalkerstrugglingtoregainbalance.
- To be a goodtightropewalkeryou need to be aperfectacrobatand haveexcellentbalance.
- Thedesignerbalancesmodernityandsophisticationwith theskillof atightropewalker.
Entertainers in general
- acrobat
- aerialist
- balancing act
- bullfighter
- clown
- double threat
- drum majorette
- duo
- emcee
- fire-eater
- jester
- joker
- jokester
- performer
- roadshow
- showman
- troubadour
- trouper
- twirler
- warm(someone/something)up