uk/ˈtɪk.i/us/ˈtɪk.i/in New Zealand, anobjectin theshapeof ahumanbeing, made fromwoodorstone:
(源自新西兰)木制或石制人形雕像,提基像Somepeoplesay thatcarvinga tiki ortotemisbadluckif you're not anauthenticmemberof aparticularculture.据说假如你不是哪个文化村落的原居民,雕刻提基像或图腾柱会招来厄运的。

Lew Robertson, Brand X Pictures/Stockbyte/GettyImages
- A Hawaiiancarvedwoodenidolshouldn't be called a tiki but a ki'i.
- It's one of thebestplacesin New Zealand totryyourhandatcarving,creatingyourvery own tiki in as little ashalfaday.
- Tiki was thegodofcreation, and tikifigureslatercame torepresentancestorsraisedto therankofgods.
- I hadcarveda tiki from aredwoodtreethat was on theproperty.
- bas-relief
- bust
- carve
- carving
- cherub
- cupid
- gesso
- hew
- installation
- kore
- maquette
- mould
- resculpt
- sculpt
- sculptor
- sculptural
- sculpture
- sphinx
- torso
- waxwork
adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈtɪk.i/us/ˈtɪk.i/relatingtoobjectsandplacesthat aretypicalof thosefoundin theislandsof theSouthPacificocean, ordesignedtolooklike these:
(似)南太平洋小岛的Theprivateclubwith tikibarbecametheplaceto be on thelakeeachsummer.这家私人俱乐部里有个南太平洋小岛风格的酒吧,每年夏天都是湖上最热门的去处。
- The pool's beenfilled, thegrillis out, and the tikitorchesarereadyto belitforyourannualbackyardFourth ofJulycookout.
- Hawaiian Tropical Drinks, as theplacewas thenknown,looksinphotoslike a tikibar, withbananasandpineappleshangingfrom theceiling.
- There are threesimpleingredientsin many tikidrinks-lime,sugarandrum.
- Thisyearthefundraiserwill have a 1950s tikitheme.
Tourism & holidays
- air bridge
- air corridor
- amenity kit
- aparthotel
- awayday
- ecotourism
- high season
- layover
- mini-break
- package tour
- phrase book
- post-holiday
- putsomethingup
- ranger station
- sightsee
- stopover
- tourism
- tourist class
- tourist trap
- youth hostel