old-fashionedformaluk/ˈtɔɪl.səm/us/ˈtɔɪl.səm/involvinghard ordifficultwork, orgreateffort:
辛苦的,劳累的Theascentwaslongand toilsome over themountain.上山的坡路漫长而艰辛。
- Campushousingofficialsacrossthecountryhave a toilsometaskeveryyear.
- Herememberedthelong, toilsomemonthswhen he hadworkedtoperfecthisstyleof writing.
- AwalkuponploughedgroundinEnglandis adanceuponcarpets,comparedto the toilsomedrudgeryofwanderingin Skye.
- Everymorning,throughouthis toilsome,dangerousjourney, hegreetedthesunrisewithjoy.
Complicated and difficult to do
- advanced
- ambitious
- ambitiously
- another
- arduous
- fierce
- formidable
- formidably
- get blood out of/from a stoneidiom
- grail
- obstinately
- onerous
- overdemanding
- painstaking
- picnic
- tuff
- ultra-sensitive
- unresolved
- unsolved
- unwieldy