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单词 time


thepartofexistencethat ismeasuredinminutes,days,years, etc., or thisprocessconsideredas awhole
Hewantstospendmore time with hisfamily.他想多花时间陪家人。
Timepassessoquicklywhen you're havingfun.玩得高兴时,时间过得特别快。
Shegrewmore and morefascinatedby thesubjectas timewent on/by.随着时间的推移,她对这门学科越来越着迷。
Thecurtainshavefadedover/withtime(= asyearshave gone past).年深日久,窗帘已经褪色了。
You'llforgetherintime(= in thefuture).你迟早会忘记她的。
Over thecourseof time(= asyearshave gone past),holeshaveformedin therock.随着岁月的流逝,岩石上出现了洞眼。
When Paula wasill, I took her somemagazinestohelpherpassthe time.葆拉生病时,我给她带去一些杂志帮她消磨时间。
If you'dtakenmore timewith/over(=spentmore time doing)thisessay, you could have done it muchbetter.如果你在这篇文章上多花些时间,本可以写得好得多。
Ittakesalongtime(= manyhoursareneeded)to get from London to Sydney.从伦敦到悉尼要花很长时间。
We'dsavetime onourjourney(= it would bequicker)if we went bytrain.如果我们坐火车去,就会在旅程上节约时间。
I onlyworkedthere for ashortperiodoftime.我只在那儿工作过很短一段时间。
Thekitchenclockisgaining/losingtime(= is goingfast/slow).厨房的钟快/慢了。
Mywatchhas neverkeptvery good time(= beencorrect).我的手表从来都不准。
all the time
Iwishyou'dstopcriticizingme all the time.我希望你别再没完没了地批评我了。
in no timeC1(alsoin next to no time)
veryquicklyor verysoon
Thekidsatetheirdinnerin no time.孩子们很快吃完了饭。
We'll behomein next to no time.我们很快就能回到家。
no time to lose
If you say there is or that you have no time tolose, itmeansthat you must doquicklywhatever it is that youwantto do.
Come on, there's no time tolose, we have to gethomebefore Johnfindsout.赶快,没有时间耽搁了,我们必须在约翰发现之前赶到家。
for all timeliterary
I willloveyou for all time.我会永远爱你。
of all time
that haseverlivedorexisted
She's been called thegreatestsingerof all time.她被称为有史以来最伟大的演唱家。
More examples
  • I'd like some time toconsiderbefore I make adecision.
  • If wecutacrossthefield, it'llsavetime.
  • Shespendsa gooddealof her time in Glasgow.
  • How much time do youallowyourself to getreadyin themorning?
  • Aconsiderableamountof time andefforthas gone into thisexhibition.


thesystemofrecordinghoursused in differentpartsof theworld
Greenwich Mean Time格林尼治标准时间


anamountof time that you haveavailableto do something
I don'tknowhow youfindtimetodo all the things you do.我不知道你是怎么抽出时间做所有这些事情的。
Ithoughtwe'dgiveher a little more time(=allowher more time)to get thejobdone.我原以为我们会多给她一点儿时间完成工作。
I'd like tovisitall themuseumsbut timeisshort(= there is little timeleft).所有的博物馆我都想参观,可时间不够。
have time
If you have time, you have enough time to do something.
We don't have much time before thetrainleaves.在火车发车之前我们的时间不多了。
Do you have timeforaquickdrinkafterwork?下班后你有没有时间小酌一杯?
I'd like tolearntosail, but I don't havethetime(= I am toobusy).我想学驾帆船,可我没时间。
[+ to infinitive]I don't have timetogo to theshopstoday.我今天没有时间去商店购物。
waste time
to not make good use of thehours, etc. that you haveavailable
If you'd doneyourworkinsteadofwastingtime onyourphone, you'd befinishedby now.如果你当时继续工作而不是浪费时间玩手机,你现在已经完成任务了。
run out of time
to not have enoughhours, etc.availabletofinishsomething you aretryingto do
Sheranout of time and didn'tfinishthe lastquestion.她时间不够,最后一道题没有答完。
be (all) out of time
to not have enoughminutes, etc.available
I'd like tocontinuethisdiscussionbut we're all out of time.我很想继续讨论,但我们的时间不够。
time's upinformal
there are no moreminutes,hours, etc.available
OK, everyone, time's up for thisweek.好了,各位,这星期的就到这里。
time added on
(alsoinjury time,stoppage time)
aperiodof timeaddedto the end of afootballmatchbecauseplaywasstoppedduring thegame, usually to takecareofplayerswho werehurt
Hisgoalin the thirdminuteof timeaddedonsealedthematch.他在比赛伤停补时阶段的第三分钟射进一球,决定了比赛的胜利。


aparticularperiodof time for which something has beenhappening, or that isneededfor something
After atime, itbecameclearthat nobody wasinterestedin coming to themeetings.过了一阵子,情况变得很明显,没有人想来参加会议。
Theystayedwith usfor ashorttime.他们跟我们住了很短一段时间。
That was thebestrestaurantI've been tofor/in alongtime(= alongperiodhas gone past since I went to such a goodrestaurant).那是我很长一段时间以来去过的最好的饭店。
It wassometimeagothat I lastheardfrom her.我最后一次收到她的信已有一段时间了。
We're going onholidayintwoweeks' time(= after twoweekshavepassed).我们过两周要去度假。
Duringher time(= while she was)inoffice, theprimeministerintroducedalargenumberofchanges.首相在执政期间推行了多项改革。
What do you like doing inyourspare/freetime(= when you are notworking)?你业余时间喜欢做什么?
have/take time off
tostopwork, inorderto do somethingelse
Iaskedmybossif I could have some time off (fromwork) to go to thedentist.我问老板我能不能请一会儿假去看牙医。
for a time
for ashortperiod
For a time, we allthoughtthat Sheila and Frank would getmarried.我们一度都认为希拉和弗兰克会结婚。
for some time
for afairlylongperiodof time
I've been doingyogafor some time.我做瑜伽已有一段时间。
for the time being
for alimitedperiod
Leave theironingfor the time being - I'll do itlater.暂且先别烫衣服——我晚些时候来做。
More examples
  • Icherishthememoriesof the time wespenttogether.
  • Childhood is not always ahappytime.
  • She has adifficulttimeaheadof her.
  • Being out ofworkfor alongtime is verydemoralizing.
  • Have we got time for aquickdrink?


aparticularpointin theday, asexpressedinhoursandminutesorshownon aclock, or aparticularpointin time
What time is it?现在几点了?
mainlyUK"What'sthetime?" "It's ten o'clock."“现在什么时间?”“10点钟。”
What time do you finishwork?你什么时候完成工作?
Have you gotthetime?(= Do youknowwhat time it is?)你知道几点了吗?
He'steachinghisdaughtertotellthe time(= torecognizewhat time it is bylookingat aclock).他在教女儿看钟表。
Did youfindout the timesofthetrainsto Kiev?你查到去基辅的火车的发车时间了吗?
Theestimatedtimeofarrival/departureof thisflightis 11.15.这次航班估计在11点15分到达/起飞。
mainlyUKOhdear, is that the(right)time?(= is it really so late?)哦,天哪,有这么晚了吗?
We always havedinnerat the sametime everyday.我们每天总是在同一时间吃晚饭。
I wasexhaustedby thetime(= when)I gothome.我到家时已经筋疲力尽了。
When would beagood time for me tocallyou?我什么时候给你打电话合适?
"What would be thebesttimeofdayfor us todeliverthetable?" "Oh, any time will be OK."“我们什么时候送桌子最合适?”“哦,什么时候都行。”
Today'stemperatureswill benormalfor thetimeofyear(= will be as they areexpectedto be in thisseason).今天的气温会和往年此时的平均气温一样。
Justthink,thistime(= at the sameparticularpointduring)nextweekwe'll be in Aruba.想想吧,下星期这个时候我们就在阿鲁巴岛了。
Weregretthatat thepresenttime (USalsoat this time) we areunabletosupplytheproductsyouordered.很遗憾,我们现在无法供应您订的货。
The time isfastdrawingnear/approaching(= it willsoonbe the time)when we'll have to make adecision.我们必须下决心的时刻很快就要到了。
at the time
at theparticularpointwhen something wasthoughtof or done
Itseemedlike a goodideaat the time.在当时这似乎是个好主意。
at the same time
If two thingshappenat the same time, theyhappentogether.
Wearrivedat the same time.我们同时到达。
atyourtime of life
at a person'spresentage
At his time oflife, he ought to be taking thingseasy.他这样年纪应该享享清福了。
More examples
  • What time would it beconvenientfor me to come round?
  • By the time themealbegan, theyoungestchildrenwere gettingtiredandcrotchety.
  • I might go to thecinematomorrow- itdependswhat time I gethomefromwork.
  • Thetrainwasemptyby the time itreachedLondon.
  • Theexacttime of theaccidentwas 2.43 pm.


aparticularpointof theday,year, etc. that issuitablefor aparticularactivity, or at which something isexpectedtohappen
Putyourtoysaway now - it's timeforbed.现在收拾好玩具,该睡觉了。
It's time(that)I wasleaving.我该动身了。
[+ to infinitive]Is it time (forus)togohomeyet?该回家了吗?
This is not the time(= not asuitablemoment)to bethinkingaboutbuyingahouse.现在不是考虑买房子的时候。
This is no time(= not asuitablemoment)tochangeyourmind.现在不是你改变主意的时候。
Ifeelthat the time hascome(= now is asuitablemoment)for me tomoveon.我觉得是我离开的时候了。
Therepairsto theroadwerefinishedtwoweeksaheadoftime(=soonerthan wasexpected).道路维修工程提前两星期完成了。
Why is it that thebusesneverrunontime(= maketheirjourneysin theexpectednumberofhours, etc.)?为什么公交车从不准点?
She'sgrownoldbeforeher time(=soonerthan she might have beenexpectedto have done).她过早地衰老了。
in time
early enough
I gothomejust in time - it'sstartingtorain.我正好及时赶到家——随后就开始下雨了。
If we don'thurryup, we won't be in timetocatchthetrain.如果我们不赶快,就不能及时赶上火车了。
We got there inplenty oftime(= wearrivedearly)forthebeginningof thegame.我们比赛前早早地就到了。
(right/dead/bang) on timeinformal
happeningor done at theparticularmomentthat it wasexpectedtohappenor be done
Myparentsgo to thehouserighton time.我父母极为准时地到家。
ahead of timemainlyUS
earlierthan aparticularmoment
Let'smeetforlunch. I'llcallyouaheadof time todecideexactlywhen and where.我们见面吃个午饭吧。我会提前打电话跟你定时间和地点。
about timeC1informal(alsohigh time)
If it is about time/high time that someone did something, it should have been donesooneror alongtime ago.
It's about time(that)theschoolimproveditsfoodservice.学校早该改善膳食服务了。
It is high timeforthecriticstoopentheirmindsto a newapproach.是到了批评者们对新做法采取开放态度的时候了。
about timeinformal(UKalsoabout time too,not before time)
said when someone does something or somethinghappensthat youthinkshould have been done or havehappenedmuchsooner
"So Ben'sfinallyfoundajob." "Yeah, it's about time."“这么说,本终于找到工作了。”“对,早就该找到了。”
the time is right/ripe
it is the mostsuitablemomentto do something or for something tohappen
I haven't told himyet, but I will when the time isright.我目前还没有告诉他,时机成熟的时候我会的。
Shefeltthe time wasrighttoleave.她觉得是时候该离开了。
The time isripeforinvestingin newtechnology.投资新技术的时机成熟了。
More examples
  • It's time wedugup thosepotatoes.
  • Manypoliticiansarguedthat this was no time todisarm.
  • Thesubmarinedivedjust in time toavoidtheenemyattack.
  • Drink up! It's time to go.
  • Borrowers areexpectedtoreturnbookson time.


anoccasionwhen somethinghappens, or theexperienceconnectedwith it
The last time we went toParis, itrainedeveryday.上一次我们去巴黎的时候,每天都下雨。
Everytime/Eachtime Iaskyou to do something you say you'rebusy.每次我叫你做事,你都说太忙。
They goswimmingthree or four times aweek.他们每周去游泳三四次。
There are timeswhenIwishI didn'tlivewhere I do.有时我真希望我不是住在现在的地方。
The four-timeschampion(= thechampionon fouroccasionsin the past)wasdefeatedin the second round.这名曾4度夺冠的选手在比赛的第二轮就被打败了。
If I'dknownatthe time(= then)that she was hisformerwife, I'd never have said what I did.我当时要是知道她是他前妻的话,我就不会那样说了。
Sometimes IenjoymyEnglishclasses, butatother times Ifindthem reallyboring.有时我很喜欢英语课,但有时也感觉很枯燥。
Fortheumpteenth/hundredth/thousandthtime,(= I've told you on manyoccasionsto)stopteasingyoursister.我无数次/上百次/上千次告诉过你,别再戏弄你妹妹了。
Did youhaveabad/goodtime(= anunpleasant/enjoyableexperience)at theconference?你会开得好/不好吗?
She had aneasy/hardtimeof it(= acomfortable/uncomfortableexperience)with thebirthof her secondbaby.她生第二个孩子时很顺利/艰难。
from time to time
sometimes, but not often
From time to time I stillthinkof her.我偶尔还会想起她。
time after time
again and again
Time after time she getsinvolvedinrelationshipswith thewrongmen.她一次次地与不般配的男人陷入情感纠葛。
time and (time) again
very often
I've told you time and time again -lookbefore youcrosstheroad.我多次跟你说过——过马路之前要先看一看。
at all times
When you're at theairport, you should makesureyou haveyourluggagewith you at all times.在机场,要把行李一直带在你身边。
at (any) one time(alsoat a time);(alsoat any given time)
at or during anyparticularpointormomentin theday
Only acertainnumberofpeopleareallowedin thebuildingat any one time.该建筑任何时候都只允许一定数量的人员进入。
I'msorry, but I'm toobusytohelpyou now - I can only do one thing at a time.对不起,我现在太忙了,不能帮你——我一次只能做一件事。
at times
You can be reallyannoyingat times, youknow.要知道,你有时很令人恼火。
at any time
Parking is notallowedhere at any time.这里任何时候都不得停车。
the timesUK
on manyoccasions
The times I've told you,askbefore youborrowmyclothes.我已经告诉你许多次了,在借用我的衣服之前要先问一声。
More examples
  • Theannouncementcame at abadtime.
  • Don't bedaft-letmepay- youpaidlast time.
  • Every time Iringher, thephoneisengaged.
  • Ifellinlovewith him the first time Isawhim.
  • I wasembarrassedat the time, but I had a goodlaughabout itlater.


"A Tale of Two Cities" is set at the timeoftheFrenchRevolution.小说《双城记》是以法国大革命时期为背景的。
In/Duringmedievaltimes, womenthoughtto bewitcheswereburnedat thestake.中世纪时期,人们把被认为是女巫的女人烧死在火刑柱上。
Intimes gone by, allcropswereharvestedbyhand.在过去的时代里,所有的农作物都是手工收割的。
Timeswere hard(=livingconditionswere not good)when I was aboy.我小时候日子很艰难。
He iswidelyregardedas one of thebestwritersofmodern/ourtimes(= thepresentor veryrecentpast).人们普遍认为他是现代/我们这个时代最优秀的作家之一。
I neverthoughtit wouldhappeninmy time(= before Idied).我怎么也想不到这会在我有生之年发生。
Wesatandtalkedaboutoldtimes(= things that hadhappenedto us in the past.)我们坐下来谈论往事。
Timeshavechangedand many more women now haveexecutivejobsthan in the past.时代已经变了,置身高级管理职位的女性数量比过去多得多了。
at one timeC2
in the past
At one time, George Eliotlivedhere.乔治‧艾略特曾一度住在这里。
ahead ofyourtime(UKalsobeforeyourtime)
having newideas,opinions, orwaysoflivinglongbefore most otherpeopledo
If something is beforeyourtime, ithappenedorexistedbefore you werebornor wereoldenough torememberit.
I don'trememberthe Beatles - they were before my time.我对甲壳虫乐队没有什么印象——那是我出生前的事。
See also
ahead ofyourtime
time was
said tomeanthat there was aperiodin the past when something used tohappenor betrue
Time was(when)you couldbuyaloafofbreadforsixpence.过去,你花6便士就能买到一条面包。
More examples
  • Thesecoinswere used inRomantimes.
  • Mynovelis set in the time of theFrenchRevolution.
  • I don'tsupposewe'llfindlifeonMarsin my time.


Your time in araceis thenumberofminutes,hours, etc. you take tocompleteit.
Her timeforthemarathonwas just under threehours.她的马拉松成绩略低于3小时。
Heranthe 100metresinrecordtime.他以创纪录的成绩完成了100米赛跑。


thenumberofbeatsin abarofmusic, or thespeedat which apieceofmusicisintendedto beplayed
Thispieceis writtenin4/4 time.这支曲子是四四拍的。
Smallchildrenoften havedifficultysingingintimewiththemusic(= at the samespeedat which themusicis beingplayed).幼儿唱歌时常常难以与音乐合拍。
Itseemedto me as if theviolinswereplayingout oftime(= at a differentspeedfrom the otherinstrumentsplayingthe samepieceofmusic).我觉得小提琴似乎不合拍。
Tobeattime is to make aregularseriesofsoundsat the samespeedas apieceofmusicisplayed.打拍子就是跟着音乐的节奏制造出一系列有规律的声响。
Tappingyourfootwillhelpyou tokeeptime(= toplaythemusicat thecorrectspeed).用脚轻叩有助于你跟上节拍。


do timeinformal
tospendaperiodof time inprison
It's not alwayseasytofindajobafter you've done time.出狱后要找到工作可不容易。


theparticularpointin thedayat whichpeoplewho aredrinkingin abarin the UK have tofinishtheirdrinksandleave
"Time,please!" called thelandlord.“对不起,要打烊了,”店主叫道。
Is it time already?已经到打烊的时间了吗?


Always: meaning
Always can mean ‘on every occasion’, ‘forever’ or ‘very frequently’. In these meanings we use it with simple tense forms:
Alwayswith continuous verb forms
We can use always with continuous verb forms to refer to regular events or states, especially ones which are problematic or which we do not like or want:
Always: position
We most commonly use always in mid position, between the subject and main verb, after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after main verb be:
We often use always with can and could to talk about possible solutions to problems:
As always
We use as always to talk about one event which is seen as typical:
Alwaysorall the time?
All the time also means ‘very often’ or ‘continually’ and is commonly used to refer to things that people do not like or do not want to happen. We don’t use all the time in mid position:
We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives long, wide, deep and high to talk about area and size:
Area: length, width, depth and height
We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives long, wide, deep and high to talk about area and size:
Weight and volume
We use the verb weigh to measure weight:
Frequency, speed, time
We use many different expressions to describe frequency, speed and time. Here are some of them:
Time is a noun with a number of meanings. In some senses it is countable, and in others it is uncountable. A good learner’s dictionary will give you its many meanings and tell you whether it is countable or uncountable.
Time: seconds, minutes, hours, years
We use time to refer to what is measured in seconds, minutes, hours and years as a whole. In this sense it is uncountable:
Time: talking about clock or calendar time
When we talk about specific clock times, time is countable. We do not say hour:
On timeandin time
We use on time to talk about timetabled events. If something is on time, it means that it is at the scheduled time. We often use right on time or, more informally, dead on time or bang on time, for emphasis:
Time: referring to past events
We often use expressions with time to refer to past events (the time, the time that, the time when):
Telling the time
We can ask about the time in different ways:
It’s time
We can use the expression it’s time + subject + past verb form to refer to the present moment:


all the time in the world
behind the times
be pressed for time
change with/keep up with/move with the times
givesba hard time
givesbthe time of day
have a lot of time forsb
have no time forsb
have time to kill
a matter/question of time
More idioms
there's a time and a place (for everything)
there's no time like the present
time and tide wait for no man
time flies
time hangs heavy
time is money
time is of the essence
time is onsb'sside
the time is ripe
the time ofyourlife
have time onyourhands
time stands still
(only) time will tell
time's a great healer


todecidethat something willhappenat aparticulartime
[+ to infinitive]We timedourtriptocoincidewith my cousin'swedding.我们把旅行安排在表哥结婚的时候。
toarrangesomething so that ithappensat thebestpossibletime
If you timeyourdeparturecarefully, you should beabletomisstheworstof thetraffic.如果精心安排好出发的时间,你应该能够避开交通堵塞最严重的时段。
Thegirls'basketballteamwonthegamewith aperfectlytimedshot(= oneplayedatexactlytherightmoment), just before thebuzzer.女子少年篮球队完美地掌握时机,在比赛结束哨响前一刻投篮进球,赢得了这场比赛。
More examples
  • They timed thebooktocoincidewith thefilmrelease.
  • They timed thetripfor after the end oftheirproject.


tomeasurehowlongittakesfor something tohappenor for someone to do something
Will you time me toseehowlongittakesme toswimalength?请你给我测一下游一个单程要花多少时间好吗?
thestatedperiodoftimeduring theyear,day, etc.


This procedure was repeated 1,000 times to give that number of estimates of the monkey population.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He then says nothing for sometimeabout any employment.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This substrate is also highly variable intime.
From theCambridge English Corpus
At times his zeal to redeem petite bourgeois politics carries his argument too far.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We can easily modify this definition, however, to accommodate also the selection of multiple sources at atime.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Mortality rates were more variable overtimeon edges than interiors, and there was no evidence oftimelags in mortality.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It is easy to see that thetimecomplexity of flat is linear on the size of the list.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This predicate repeats the body of a program any given number of times.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We fixed a maximum runningtimeof 12,000 s (about 3 h) for each test.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The same switch, pushed for a longertime, is used to select the menu mode.
From theCambridge English Corpus
One difficulty is to be sure that only one actuator moves at atime.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It must arise at the sametimein it and not in it.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Terminaltimete depends on the example of simulation and experiment.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The comparative study is based on the accuracy, robustness, processingtimeand easiness of the implementation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Beetles were removed from the traps eachtimethe trap was checked.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withtime.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

allotted time
Failure to complete the testing in theallottedtimeperiod reduced the sample to 99 subjects.
From theCambridge English Corpus
amount of time
The aim of this research was to explore theamountoftimeavailable for intervention with a mass vaccination campaign.
From theCambridge English Corpus
ample time
Ampletimemust be allocated for the surgery.
From theCambridge English Corpus
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