uk/ˈtɒp.ər/us/ˈtɑː.pɚ/toppernoun[C](THING/PERSON ON TOP)
anobjectthat goes ontopof something inordertodecorateit:
Anilluminatedstartopper is agreatway offinishingoffyourChristmastree.
Theirweddingcaketopper was acutesculptureof thecouple.
atypeoffoodthat is put ontopof anotherfood:
Tofu makes agreatsaladtopper.
Thespreadisperfectas asandwichfillerortoasttopper.
(alsomattress topper)
athickcoverthat goes ontopof amattress(= thesoftpartof abedthat youlieon)inorderto make it morecomfortable:
You canaddthismemoryfoamtopper tohelpminimizeachesandpains.
theperson,group,organization, etc. in thehighestpositionon alist:
The Spice Girls werecharttoppers in the 90s.
Theteamnowsitjust onepointbelow thetabletoppers.
[usually singular]US
the last in aseriesof good orbadevents,remarks,actions, etc.,especiallywhen this isevenbetterorworsethan everything that has gone before:
Going to hisconcertwasdefinitelythe topper ofourtripto Nashville.
The topper was when aphysiciantold me I'd just have tolivewith thepain.
The nextday, hiswifefiledfordivorce. This is the topper on the mayor'sstringofrecentdifficulties.
Indian English
thebeststudentin aclassorschool
(课堂或学校中的)顶尖学生Above & over
- above
- aloft
- o'er
- over
- overhead
- overlie
- super
- supra
- sur-
- upmost
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Beds & parts of beds
Good, better and best
Good and excellent things
Worse and worst
a woman'sshortloosecoat:
Awholenew take on aclassicdenimjacket, thiscrispwhitetopperfeaturesvibrantfloralembroideryandlacedetails.

Coats, jackets & cloaks
- achkan
- anorak
- Barbour
- barn coat
- baseball jacket
- dinner jacket
- DJ
- donkey jacket
- double-breasted
- doublet
- lumber jacket
- mac
- mackintosh
- mantle
- Nehru jacket
- shrug
- single-breasted
- slicker
- smoking jacket
- sports jacket
informalfortop hat:
高顶礼帽(top hat)They werewearinggreytoppers andstandardweddinggear.

Andreas Berheide/EyeEm/GettyImages
Hats & scarves
- ascot
- balaclava
- bandana
- baseball cap
- beanie
- cycle helmet
- deerstalker
- dicky bow
- do-rag
- dunce's cap
- kippa
- mask
- millinery
- mitre
- mortarboard
- topee
- toque
- trencher
- trilby
- tuque