uk/ˌtɒk.səʊˈplæz.mə/us/ˌtɑːk.soʊˈplæz.mə/anorganismthat cancauseaninfectionthat can bedangerousfor anunbornchildif apregnantwoman isaffectedby it:
弓形体;弓浆虫There is aprovenlinkbetweencatsand toxoplasmadatingback to 1970.早在1970年,就已经证实猫和弓浆虫之间存在联系。
Raw orundercookedmeatcan be asourceof toxoplasmainfection.生的或未煮熟的肉可能是弓浆虫感染的一个来源。
See also
- Thevirusiscausedby theparasitetoxoplasma.
- Meat must beuniformlyheatedto 66°C tokillintracystic toxoplasma.
- More than 75% of foodborneillnessdeathsarecausedby just threepathogens:salmonella,listeria, and toxoplasma.
Bacteria, moulds, germs & viruses
- adenovirus
- aerobe
- amoebic
- anti-HIV
- antimicrobial
- bacterium
- germicidal
- germophobe
- hen of the woods
- human immunodeficiency virus
- incubation
- incubation period
- mildew
- shitake mushroom
- spike protein
- staph
- staphylococcus
- strep
- streptococcal
- streptococcus