trade noun (BUYING AND SELLING )
B1 [U ] theactivityofbuyingandselling, orexchanging,goodsand/orservicesbetweenpeopleorcountries:
贸易;交易;买卖 The country's tradein manufacturedgoodshasexpandedin the last tenyears. 该国的工业品贸易在最近10年里扩大了规模。
70percentof the country's trade iswith Europe. 该国70%的贸易是和欧洲进行的。
The twocountrieshavesigneda tradeagreement for oneyearonly. 这两个国家签署了一项为期仅1年的贸易协定。
Synonyms business (SELLING)
enterprise (BUSINESS)
Since thesupermarketopened, manysmalllocalshopshavelostup to 50percentoftheirtrade. 自从这家超市开张后,当地许多小商店失去了一半的生意。
Inhotweather,shopsdo aroaring/brisk tradein (=sella lot of) colddrinksandicecream. 天热时,商店里的冷饮和冰激凌卖得非常火爆。
Thislevelofconfidencein theeconomyis good for tradegenerally. 这种对经济的信任通常有利于贸易的进行。
Theinvestigationuncoveredevidenceof a large-scaleillegaltrade inwildbirds. Russia has justdrawnup a tradeagreementwith Norway. Thelatesttradefigureshavedealtasevereblowtohopesof an earlyeconomicrecovery. We areplanningtodevelopourexporttrade. There's aflourishingtrade insecond-handvideomachines. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuying & selling - general words
all-you-can-eat anti-consumer anti-dumping back order barter deal insomething dealership desk research ebay first refusal hammer pre-order procurement rewards card sanctions-busting sealed-bid shelf stretch tender treat See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
trade noun (BUSINESS )
C1 [C ] aparticularbusinessorindustry:
行业 the building/catering/touristtrade建筑/饮食服务/旅游行业
the book/car/furtrade图书/汽车/皮毛制品行业
Heworkedin the same trade all hislife. 他终身从事同一行业。
Synonyms business (COMPANY)
concern (BUSINESS)
enterprise (BUSINESS)
B2 [C orU ] ajob,especiallyone thatneedsspecialskill, thatinvolvesworkingwithyourhands:
(尤指需要特殊技术和手工劳动的)职业,行当 She went tocollegetolearna trade. 她去一家技术学院学一门手艺。
He's acarpenterby trade. 他是干木工活的。
the trade [S ]
thepeoplewhoworkin aparticularbusinessorindustryor in the same one:
(特定或同一行业的)从业者 People whoworkin the trade canbuytheirbooksat adiscount. 同行购书可以打折。
Thecompanyonlysuppliesitsgoodsto the (building/catering) trade, notdirectto thepublic. 这家公司只向(建筑/饮食服务)从业者提供货物,而不直接面向公众。
There's aflourishingtrade insecond-handvideomachines. This has been adifficultyearfor themotortrade. His is afamilytrade,passeddown fromgenerationtogeneration. For themodernsalesexecutive, acarphoneis one of thetoolsof the trade. Businesspeoplewailedthattheirtrade would beruined. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesIndustry & industrial processes
additive manufacturing biomanufacturing carding cleantech compression moulding industry-wide injection moulding inter-industry just-in-time light industry non-industrialized non-industry non-technical prebuilt prefabricated sunset industry synthetic synthetically vitrification vulcanized See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Business - general words
[before noun ] publishing specialized used to refer to thepublishingofbooks, etc. that areaimedat thegeneralpublic:
Myfriendjustmovedto tradepublishing afteryearsinacademicpublishing.
Thepaperbackeditionhas been on the Times's tradefiction bestsellerlistfornearlythirtyweeks.
trade publication/journal/magazine/paper
anewspaper, etc.producedforpeopleworkingin aparticularbusinessorindustry:
行业出版物/期刊/杂志/报纸 asteelindustrytradejournal 钢铁工业的行业刊物
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBooks: kinds of books
abridgment annual anthology audiobook backlist crammer dime novel e-reader exercise book fiction flipback novelette novella page-turner paperback photo album speller travelogue ya young adult See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
trade verb (BUY AND SELL )
B2 [I orT ,usually + adv/prep ] tobuyandsellgoodsorservices,especiallybetweencountries:
(尤指国与国之间)从事(…)贸易,进行(…)交易 Forcenturies,NativeAmericanstradedwith Europeansettlers. 美洲印第安人和欧洲殖民者做了几百年的生意。
Thecompanyhas been tradingin oilfor manyyears. 该公司做石油生意已经有许多年了。
The twocountrieshavebecomeclosetradingpartners . 两国已经成为关系密切的贸易伙伴。
Ourbooksare tradedthroughoutAsia. 我们的书在全亚洲销售。
[I orT ] to beboughtandsold, or tobuyandsellshares , on thestockexchange:
(在证券交易所)买卖,交易 Thevolumeofstockstraded today was very high. 今天证券交易所股票成交量非常大。
Shares in thecompanytradedactively . 该公司的股票交易活跃。
It was severalmonthsbefore thecompanystartedto tradeprofitably. NativeAmericanstradedfurswith earlyEuropeansettlers. In themeantime, theshareswillcontinueto trade on theopenmarket. Onlylicensedstall-holders areallowedto trade here. It is a well-respectedfamilybusinesswhich has traded in thetownfor over 50years. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuying & selling - general words
all-you-can-eat anti-consumer anti-dumping back order barter deal insomething dealership desk research ebay first refusal hammer pre-order procurement rewards card sanctions-busting sealed-bid shelf stretch tender treat See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
trade verb (EXCHANGE )
[T ] toexchangesomething, or tostopusing or doing something andstartusing or doing somethingelseinstead:
交换;改换,更换 Thechildrentradedcomics. 孩子们交换了连环画。
[+ two objects ] I'll trade you some of mychocolatefor some ofyouricecream. 我愿意用些巧克力换些你的冰激凌。
I wouldn't trade youfor theworld(= I do notwanta differentpartner) . 除了你,我谁都不要。
[T ] Ifpeopletradestatementsof aparticulartype, they say ortellthem to each other:
相互说,互相交谈 Wesataround thedinnertable, tradingstories. 我们围坐在餐桌旁,你一言我一语地讲着各自的见闻。
The twopoliticiansdidn't reallydiscusstheissues, they just tradedinsults . 这两个政客并不是真的在讨论问题,而是在互相辱骂。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesReplacing and exchanging
alternate alternatively bargainsomething away behalf change over instead instead of lieu make up forsomething name rep shoe sing someone's answer tosomeone/something idiom spare step step intosomeone's shoes idiom step into the breach idiom sub outsomething substitution See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Phrasal verbs tradesomething in
tradesomething off
trade onsomething
trade up/down
(Definition oftrade from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
trade noun (BUYING AND SELLING )
B1 [U ] theactivityofbuyingandselling, orexchanging,goodsand/orservicesbetweenpeopleorcountries
贸易;交易;买卖 The country's tradein manufacturedgoodshasexpandedin the last tenyears. 该国的工业品贸易在最近10年里扩大了规模。
70percentof the country's trade iswith Europe. 该国70%的贸易是和欧洲进行的。
The twocountrieshavesigneda tradeagreement for oneyearonly. 这两个国家签署了一项为期仅1年的贸易协定。
生意 Since thesupermarketopened, manysmalllocalshopshavelostup to 50percentoftheirtrade. 自从这家超市开张后,当地许多小商店失去了一半的生意。
Inhotweather,shopsdo aroaring/brisk tradein (=sella lot of) colddrinksandicecream. 天热时,商店里的冷饮和冰激凌卖得非常火爆。
Thislevelofconfidencein theeconomyis good for tradegenerally. 这种对经济的信任通常有利于贸易的进行。
Theinvestigationuncoveredevidenceof a large-scaleillegaltrade inwildbirds. Russia has justdrawnup a tradeagreementwith Norway. Thelatesttradefigureshavedealtasevereblowtohopesof an earlyeconomicrecovery. We areplanningtodevelopourexporttrade. There's aflourishingtrade insecond-handvideomachines.
trade noun (BUSINESS )
C1 [C ] aparticularbusinessorindustry
行业 the building/catering/touristtrade建筑/饮食服务/旅游行业
the book/car/furtrade图书/汽车/皮毛制品行业
Heworkedin the same trade all hislife. 他终身从事同一行业。
B2 [C orU ] ajob,especiallyone thatneedsspecialskill, thatinvolvesworkingwithyourhands
(尤指需要特殊技术和手工劳动的)职业,行当 She went tocollegetolearna trade. 她去一家技术学院学一门手艺。
He's acarpenterby trade. 他是干木工活的。
the trade [S ]
thepeoplewhoworkin aparticularbusinessorindustryor in the same one
(特定或同一行业的)从业者 People whoworkin the trade canbuytheirbooksat adiscount. 同行购书可以打折。
Thecompanyonlysuppliesitsgoodsto the (building/catering) trade, notdirectto thepublic. 这家公司只向(建筑/饮食服务)从业者提供货物,而不直接面向公众。
There's aflourishingtrade insecond-handvideomachines. This has been adifficultyearfor themotortrade. His is afamilytrade,passeddown fromgenerationtogeneration. For themodernsalesexecutive, acarphoneis one of thetoolsof the trade. Businesspeoplewailedthattheirtrade would beruined.
trade publication/journal/magazine/paper
anewspaper, etc.producedforpeopleworkingin aparticularbusinessorindustry
行业出版物/期刊/杂志/报纸 asteelindustrytradejournal 钢铁工业的行业刊物
trade verb (BUY AND SELL )
B2 [I orT ,usually + adv/prep ] tobuyandsellgoodsorservices,especiallybetweencountries
(尤指国与国之间)从事(…)贸易,进行(…)交易 Forcenturies, Native Americans tradedwith Europeansettlers. 美洲印第安人和欧洲殖民者做了几百年的生意。
Thecompanyhas been tradingin oilfor manyyears. 该公司做石油生意已经有许多年了。
The twocountrieshavebecomeclosetradingpartners . 两国已经成为关系密切的贸易伙伴。
Ourbooksare tradedthroughoutAsia. 我们的书在全亚洲销售。
See also horse-trade (horse-trading) oftendisapproving disapproving
[I orT ] to beboughtandsold, or tobuyandsellshares , on thestockexchange
(在证券交易所)买卖,交易 Thevolumeofstockstraded today was very high. 今天证券交易所股票成交量非常大。
Shares in thecompanytradedactively . 该公司的股票交易活跃。
It was severalmonthsbefore thecompanystartedto tradeprofitably. Native Americans tradedfurswith earlyEuropeansettlers. In themeantime, theshareswillcontinueto trade on theopenmarket. Onlylicensedstall-holders areallowedto trade here. It is a well-respectedfamilybusinesswhich has traded in thetownfor over 50years.
trade verb (EXCHANGE )
[T ] toexchangesomething, or tostopusing or doing something andstartusing or doing somethingelseinstead
交换;改换,更换 Thechildrentradedcomics. 孩子们交换了连环画。
[+ two objects ] I'll trade you some of mychocolatefor some ofyouricecream. 我愿意用些巧克力换些你的冰激凌。
I wouldn't trade youfor theworld(= I do notwanta differentpartner) . 除了你,我谁都不要。
[T ] Ifpeopletradestatementsof aparticulartype, they say ortellthem to each other.
相互说,互相交谈 Wesataround thedinnertable, tradingstories. 我们围坐在餐桌旁,你一言我一语地讲着各自的见闻。
The twopoliticiansdidn't reallydiscusstheissues, they just tradedinsults . 这两个政客并不是真的在讨论问题,而是在互相辱骂。
Phrasal verbs tradesth in
tradesth off
trade onsth
trade up/down
trade | American Dictionary
trade noun [C/U] (BUYING AND SELLING )
theactivityofbuyingandsellinggoodsandservicesesp. betweencountries:
[U ] foreigntrade
[U ] a tradeagreement
A trade is theactofexchangingone thing for another.
trade noun [C/U] (JOB )
ajob,esp. one thatneedsspecialskilland thatinvolvesworkingwithyourhands, or thetypeofworkin which suchskillsareneeded:
[C ] thebuildingtrades
[U ] He’s anautomechanic/electricianby trade.
A trade is also anybusiness:
trade verb [I/T] (BUY AND SELL )
tobuy,sell, orexchangegoods:
[I ] Forcenturies,NativeAmericanstradedwithEuropeansettlers.
To trade is also toexchangesomething:
[T ] Thechildrentradedcomics.
[T ] The twoplayerstradedinsultsandnearlycame toblows.
If you trade something in, such as acar, you give it aspartof thepaymentfor something new:
[M ] Herecentlytradedin hisJeepfor aredMercedes.
(Definition oftrade from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[U ] COMMERCE thebuyingandsellingofgoodsbetweenpeople,companies, orcountries:
trade between sb and sb Thepolicyisintendedtoincreasetrade betweenIndiaandsoutheastAsia.
trade in sth The country's trade inmanufacturedgoodshasexpandedin the last tenyears.
a trade body/group Leaders ofindustrytradegroupsareurgingcautioninraisingoiltaxes.
theministerfortrade andindustry
[C ] aparticularbusinessorindustry:
Members ofthebuildingtrade haveopposedthemeasure.
[U ] ECONOMICS a country'simportsandexportsin aparticularperiod:
Consumerspendingsloweddown andinvestmentandnettrade recovered.
Thedollarhas beenboostedby twomonthsofbetterAmericantradefigures .
lose/boost trade Manysmalllocalshopshavelostup to 50% oftheirtrade since thesupermarketopened.
Trade is alwaysslowin thewintermonths.
[C orU ] ajob,especiallyone thatneedsspecialskillandinvolvesworkingwithyourhands:
He's anelectricianby trade .
Shewantsto go tocollegeandlearna trade .
[C orU ] asituationin which youexchangesomething that you own for something that youwant:
Does anyonewanttodo a trade for mymobilephone?
We have hundreds ofCDsavailableforsaleor trade.
[C orU ] FINANCE ,STOCK MARKET theactivityofbuyingandsellingshares,investments, etc. or anoccasionwhenpeopledo this:
EBSclaimstobrokerabout 10,000 trades aday.
afternoon/morningtrade wasbrisk.
do a roaring trade (in sth) (also do a brisk trade (in sth) )
tosella lot of something:
We do aroaringtrade in ice-creams during thehotweather.
the trade
aparticularbusinessorindustry, and thepeoplewhoworkin it:
People whoworkin the trade canbuytheirbooksat adiscount.
Thewebsiteoffersahugechoiceofprivateandtradesales for secondhandbuyers.
a tradejournal/magazine
See also balance of trade
barrier to trade
cap and trade
carry trade
chamber of trade
distributive trades
external trade
fair trade
foreign trade
free trade
global trade
insider trade
invisible trade
overseas trade
passing trade
the rag trade
terms of trade
visible trade
wash trade
[I orT ] COMMERCE tobuyandsellgoodsorservices:
be traded between sb and sb Theplanknocksdowntariffsongoodstraded between the twocountries.
trade with sb Allcouncilstradeelectronicallywiththeirsuppliers.
trade in sth Besides trading ingoods, we also trade inservices.
to give something that you own aspartof thepaymentfor something that youbuy,especiallya newtypeof the sameproduct:
trade sth for sth I traded mycarfor a newvehicle.
[I ] toexistandoperateas abusiness:
trade as sth Thecompanytrades as 'Pioneer Clothing'.
Thebusinesstraded under thenameof College Crackers.
Thesupermarketceasedtrading in 2009.
[I orT ] STOCK MARKET ,FINANCE tobuyandsellshareson astockmarket:
Investors will beofferedthechoiceof threewaysto trade.
Around 95,000longgiltcontractswere traded on Liffe today.
[I ] FINANCE ,STOCK MARKET to beboughtandsoldon astockmarket:
Only sixmonthsago theshareswere trading as high as 35.5p.
Foreignstockmarketswere trading down about 2%.
[T ] toexchangesomething, or tostopdoing or using something andstartdoing or using somethingelseinstead:
trade sth for sth Mostinvestorswould trade asteadilyclimbingmarketfor avolatileindexanyday.
[I ] COMMERCE US tobuygoodsor doyourshoppingat aparticularstore:
We don't trade at hisstoreanymore.
See also fairly-traded
Phrasal verbs trade down
trade sth in
trade sth off
trade up
(Definition oftrade from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof trade trade
Like domestic policy,trade policy is subject to the influence of domestic veto players. From theCambridge English Corpus
This suggests that it is important for environmental purposes to model the response of technical change totrade . From theCambridge English Corpus
What the argument in this section shows, however, is that simple models including idiosyncratic shocks will not substantially increase the risk-returntrade -off. From theCambridge English Corpus
Ultimately, the effort to write a history of trades showed few results. From theCambridge English Corpus
Unlike criminal matters and the policing of trades and markets, religious courts had no executive powers in matters of family law. From theCambridge English Corpus
The results suggest that though the short-term impact of reforms would increase poverty, in the longer termtrade liberalization would be poverty reducing. From theCambridge English Corpus
The third assumption concerns the cases in which tariff differences between countries might cause problems for intra-regionaltrade that would not otherwise arise. From theCambridge English Corpus
Table 8 provides the economictrade -offs of the three simulated land use options over the whole four catchments in aggregate. From theCambridge English Corpus
Studies of this kind in other sites can provide a more holistic view on the economictrade -offs of various land use options in forested catchments. From theCambridge English Corpus
Among the proposals experimentally evaluated in this paper, this one shows the worsttrade -off between cost and precision. From theCambridge English Corpus
Expected utility theory provides the theoretical basis for preferring the standard gamble over the timetrade -off as a criterion measure of utility. From theCambridge English Corpus
Let the timing be such that the agent receives the dividend and then trades the asset. From theCambridge English Corpus
The axiom on which this argument trades is in fact quite difficult to construe. From theCambridge English Corpus
This time, however, the campaign was directed toward a neo-corporate ordering of thetrade . From theCambridge English Corpus
Suppose the foreign exchange andtrade reforms could be achieved first-e. g., if powerful domestic forces delayed the raising of energy prices. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith trade trade These are words often used in combination withtrade .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
aquarium trade
This species can also be found in theaquarium trade .
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
bilateral trade
This applied, for instance, tobilateral trade .
From theCambridge English Corpus
cross-border trade
In 1999 the value ofcross -border trade in services worldwide amounted to $1,350 billion or about 20 percent of totalcross -border trade .
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.