travel mug
uk/ˈtræv.əl ˌmʌɡ/us/ˈtræv.əl ˌmʌɡ/acontainerwith alid, usually with asmallholethat you candrinkfrom, used forhotorcolddrinkswhile you aretravelling:
旅行杯She wasgrippingatravelmugfullofcoffee.她正紧紧握着一个装满咖啡的旅行杯。
Hedrainedthetravelmug,leftit on thefrontseat, and got out of thecar.他喝完旅行杯里的水,把杯子放在前座上,然后下了车。

JulyVelchev/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Instead ofbuyingexpensivecoffeeonyourway toworkinvestin acoffeemaker, somecoffeebeansand atravelmug, and makeyourown to take intowork.
- We made aconcertedefforttobuytwocasesoftravelmugsafter wenoticedthekitchentrashbinfillingto thebrimwith nonrecyclable to-gocups.
- Theblendingcontainereasilydetachestobecomeaconvenienttravelmug.
Containers for liquids and gases
- aerosol
- amphora
- bottle
- bucket
- canister
- churn
- flask
- growler
- hip flask
- hot-water bottle
- hottie
- howler
- oxygen tank
- siphon
- sprayer
- squeeze bottle
- stoup
- Thermos
- tin can
- tinnie