aflatobject, usually withraisededges, used forcarryingfoodanddrinks:
盘;碟;托盘She wascarryinga trayofdrinks.她端着一托盘饮料。

MileA/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
aflat,opencontainerwithraisededgesthat you put onyourdeskforkeepingpapersin:
文件盘She put theletterinyourintray.她把信放在了你的收文盘里。
I don'tknowwhere I put thatarticle- it must be in thebottomof my tray.我不知道把那篇文章放在哪儿了——肯定是在我的文件盘最下面。
See also

Raimund Koch/The Image Bank/GettyImages
- Helaidthe tray down on thetable.
- Firstrubthebakingtray well withbutter.
- There's a tray under eachtaptocatchthebeerslops.
- "Oh, you're asweetheart, " she said, when Iplacedthebreakfasttray on herlap.
- "Watch out!" heshouted, but it was too late - she hadknockedthewholetray ofdrinkson thefloor.
Trays, racks & boards in the home
- baking tray
- breadboard
- cheeseboard
- chopping board
- cookie sheet
- cutting board
- dish rack
- knife block
- lazy Susan
- place mat
- plate rack
- sheet pan
- tea tray
- toast rack
- trivet
- wine rack