having littlevalueorimportance:
微不足道的,琐碎的;没有价值的I don'tknowwhy he gets soupsetabout something so trivial.我不明白他因何为芝麻大的事儿也如此烦恼。
Sexualharassmentin theworkplaceis not a trivialmatter.工作场所的性骚扰可不是件小事。
A trivialproblemiseasytosolve:
容易解决的,不费吹灰之力的Gettingcomputerstounderstandhumanlanguageis not a trivialproblem.让计算机懂得人类语言可不是一个容易解决的问题。
- It was abadlyresearcheddocumentarywhichglossedoverimportantquestionswhilepointingup trivialones.
- She getscompletelystressedabout trivial things.
- Theproblemsshefacesare not trivial.
- She has beensufferingfrom aseriesof trivialillnesses.
- Thecostof thepostageis trivial.
Of little or less importance
- be in/undersomeone'sshadowidiom
- be neither here nor thereidiom
- be no big dealidiom
- biggie
- derisory
- lowly
- meaningless
- meaninglessly
- meaninglessness
- mere
- merely
- peripheral
- petty
- piddling
- piffling
- play second fiddleidiom
- poxy
- rinky-dink
- subordinate
- valueless
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Easiness and simplicity