uk/trəʊv/us/troʊv/alargeamountof something good,useful, orvaluable, or aplacewhere this can befound:
Thecollegeholdsavasttroveofdocumentsrelatingto thepolitician.
One of thelargesttrovesofconsumerdataiskeptby aColoradomarketresearchfirm.
Thecastlein Bavariaturnedout to be aparticularlyrichtrove,filledwithartstolenfrom the Rothschilds inParis.
See also
treasure trove
- There wasn't apileofcashin theroomor a trove ofjewelsstashedin asafe.
- The company's mostvaluableassetwasitstrove of Beatlessongs.
- She cameacrossa trove of Fanny Bricelettersat the New York Public Library.
Plenty and abundant
- abound
- abound in/withsomething
- abundance
- abundant
- abundantly
- drip
- galore
- generosity
- generous
- generously
- handsomely
- lavish
- luxuriant
- over-generously
- overgenerosity
- plenitude
- plenteous
- plentiful
- richly
- well off