athickrubberring, oftenfilledwithair, that isfittedaround theouteredgeof thewheelof avehicle,allowingthevehicletostickto theroadsurfaceand totravelover thegroundmoreeasily:
轮胎I've got aflattyre(= theairhas gone out of it).我的车胎没气了。
He wasdrivingalong themotorwaywhen his tyreburst.他正在高速公路上行驶时,突然轮胎爆了。
Ikeepasparetyre in the back of thecar.我的车后有个备用轮胎。

Steve Gorton/Dorling Kindersley/GettyImages
- Heclippedtheedgeof thekerbwith hisfronttyre.
- He wasdrivingsofastthat hiscartyreexploded.
- I've noideahow to set aboutchanginga tyre on acar.
- I got aflattyre afterdrivingover anail.
- Policefoundtyretracksin themud.
The exterior of vehicles
- a fifth/third wheelidiom
- bull bar
- cab
- coachwork
- crumple zone
- finny
- fog light
- full beam
- hazard light
- headlight
- high beams
- hubcap
- mudflap
- side mirror
- sidelight
- sunroof
- tire
- tow bar
- tread
- wing