uk/ˈtiːˌzəʊn/us/ˈtiːˌzoʊn/theareain themiddleof a person'sfacethatincludestheforehead(= theflatpart, above theeyesand below thehair),noseandchin, where theskinusually has moreoilthan therestof theface:
(脸部包括额头、鼻子和下巴的)T区,T字部位Try moisturizingcheeksandneckbutavoidthenaturallyoilyT-zone (i.e.forehead,noseandchin).试着给脸颊和鼻子增湿,但是要避免本身较油的T字部位(额头、鼻子和下巴)。
- Sara has anoilyT-zone whileJanehasdryskin, so Sara islikelyto beprotectedfromageingasquicklyas hersister.
- Iemergedfrom thesalonwith aclearandglowingcomplexionwith just a littlerednessin the T-zone.
- Justwipeone of theseblottingpapersalong the T-zone of theface(forehead,noseandchin), andmarvelat how muchoilitabsorbs.
- Thecompanysaidmake-upwas onlyappliedto the T-zone - theareaaround theforehead,noseandmouthwherespotsare mostcommon.
The head & face
- -cheeked
- -chinned
- -faced
- -necked
- cheekbone
- chin
- countenance
- dimpled
- duck face
- frontal
- jowl
- mandible
- maxillofacial
- modiolus
- mug
- nose
- nucha
- nuchal
- physiognomy
- weak