trail running
uk/ˈtreɪl ˌrʌn.ɪŋ/us/ˈtreɪl ˌrʌn.ɪŋ/thesportoractivityofrunningalongtrails(=pathsthrough acountryside,mountain, orforestarea):
(穿过乡村、高山或森林等的)越野跑NorthernCalifornia is aworld-famoushubfortrailrunning.北加利福尼亚州是世界著名的越野跑中心。
Trailrunninginbearcountrycan beespeciallydangerous.在有熊出没的地方进行越野跑可能会特别危险。

Jordan Siemens/Stone/GettyImages
- Trailrunningoffersa muchlowerimpacton thebodythan theroadrunningandtrainingonasphalt.
- Peopleinterestedintrailrunningshould, first,locatea good,shorttrailin aparknearby.
- Yoga is aperfectcomplementtooutdooraerobicsports-trailrunning,roadbikingand telemarkskiing.
- You might need differentshoesif you'replanningto dotrailrunningor if you're going to becarryingabackpackoverroughterrain.
Sports & games generally
- battleship
- board sport
- buildering
- choose
- choose up sb/sth
- classic
- contact sport
- cross-country
- defensive
- defensively
- game
- high jinks
- multi-sport
- parasport
- parkour
- pickup
- pre-game
- snooker
- sport
- the first person
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