uk/trɑːns/us/træns/trancenoun(MENTAL CONDITION)
atemporarymentalconditionin which someone is notcompletelyconsciousof and/or not incontrolof himself or herself:
昏睡状态;催眠状态First shegoes/fallsintoadeeptrance, and then thespiritvoicesstarttospeakthrough her.首先,她陷入深度昏睡状态,然后神灵开始通过她说话。
When ahypnotistputsyouin(to)a trance, you nolongerhaveconsciouscontrolof yourself.当催眠师使你陷入催眠状态后,你就不能再清醒地控制自己了。
Hesatstaringout of thewindowas ifina trance.他坐在那里,两眼凝视着窗外,好像被催眠了。
Science of psychology & psychoanalysis
- analyse
- analysis
- behavioural science
- behaviourist
- cathartic
- certify
- committal
- Freudian
- profiler
- psych
- psychiatric
- psychic
- psychical
- psycho
- psychological profiling
- psychologist
- self-discovery
- superego
- transference
- unconscious
fast,electronicdancemusicwith aregularbeat,keyboards, but usually nosinging
迷幻音乐,睡房音乐(一种快节奏的电子舞曲)Pop, rock & soul
- agit-pop
- anti-rock
- backing dancer
- backing singer
- backspin
- disc jockey
- DJ
- drill
- drum and bass
- electronica
- emo
- jukebox
- lyrically
- mod
- Motown
- New Age music
- pop group
- sampler
- trap music
- trip-hop