transferable vote
uk/trænsˌfɜː.rə.bəl ˈvəʊt/us/trænsˌfɝː.ə.bəl ˈvoʊt/avoteusing asystemwhere, ifyourpreferredcandidate(= apersoncompetingto beelected)does not get enoughvotestostayin theelection,yourvotecan be given toyoursecondchoiceofcandidate:
(所选的第一位候选人失败时,选票可转给所选的第二位候选人的)可让渡投票(制),可转移票(制)Thereferendumislikelyto use atransferablevote(a firstchoice, and secondchoiceif that isknockedout, etc).公投很可能采用可让渡投票(首先是第一选择,如第一选择被淘汰则第二选择等)。
Ireland has acomplicatedsystemofproportionalrepresentationandtransferablevotes.爱尔兰采用一种很复杂的比例代表制和可转移投票制。
See also
single transferable vote
- Wynn was the firstcandidateto beeliminated, and more of histransferablevotesweredistributedto theright-winger.
- Thesurplusisdividedby thetotalnumberoftransferablevotescast.
- With theelectionbeingconductedundertransferablevoterules, thekeyquestionis who comes second and third on firstpreferences.
- absentee
- absentee ballot
- absentee vote
- absentee voter
- absentee voting
- entrance poll
- exit poll
- first-past-the-post
- flip
- franchise
- primary
- proportional representation
- proxy
- proxy vote
- proxy voter
- voting
- voting booth
- voting machine
- voting slip
- whistle-stop