aflatshapewith threestraightsides:

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anything that has threestraightsides:
三角形物Whichearringsdid youbuyin the end - the triangles or thecircles?最后你买了什么样的耳环——三角形的还是圆的?
amusicalinstrumentconsisting of athinmetalbarbentinto a triangleshapethat ishitwith ametalbarto make asound
egal/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
US(UKset square)
aflatpieceofmetalorplasticin theshapeof a triangle with oneangleof 90°, used fordrawingangles
a three-sided frame forarrangingtheballsat thestartof agameofbilliards,pool, etc.
farakos/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Draw aperpendicularfrom thevertexof the triangle toitsbase.
- A triangle is ashapewith threesides.
- Theclothwasdecoratedwith triangles of differentcolours.
- Wecutsome triangles ofcheese.
- To make astar, put two triangles together.
Geometrical shapes
- -cornered
- cone
- congruent
- congruently
- conic
- crescent
- decagon
- dimensional
- isosceles triangle
- Maltese cross
- oval
- pear-shaped
- prism
- pyramid
- rectangular
- right triangle
- semicircular
- simplex
- tetrahedron
- torus
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Musical instruments
Geometrical & mathematical instruments
Snooker, pool & billiards