uk/trænzˈmɪt/us/trænsˈmɪt/-tt-transmitverb(SEND OUT)
tobroadcastsomething, or tosendout orcarrysignalsormessagesusingradio,television, etc.:
Radio Seven transmitson201mediumwave(= uses thoseparticularradiowavestobroadcaston).广播七台通过中波201千赫广播。
Theinformationis transmittedelectronicallyto thecentralcomputer.这些信息以电子化的方式传送到中央计算机。
Departmentstoresuse EDI to transmitorderstosuppliers.
Soundis transmitted from theeardrumto the sound-sensitivecellsin theearbymeansof abridgeof threetinybones.
- Instructions were transmitted to thepilotsthroughtheirheadphones.
- Theprogrammeswere being transmitted fromillegalradiostations.
- Hisbroadcastswere transmitted late atnight.
- In somecallcentres,operatorsuse fourcomputerscreenstogatherand transmitinformationtopoliceorfire/rescueunits.
- RFIDtagsaretinydevicesthat transmitinformationabout theobjectson which theyreside.
Broadcasting in general
- airplay
- airtime
- airwaves
- audio described
- audio description
- carry
- commentary box
- headline
- host
- interchannel
- live stream
- location
- mistune
- produce
- serialization
- serialize
- showrunner
- slow motion
- station break
- tune
topassadiseasefrom onepersonoranimalto another:
COVID-19 is transmittedthroughdropletsofsalivaordischargefrom thenosewhen aninfectedpersoncoughsorsneezes.
Somediseasesare transmittedfromonegenerationtothe next.有些疾病是世代遗传的。
Otherdiseases, such ashepatitis, can be transmittedbyblood.
topassaparticularfeelingfrom onepersonto another orothers, or to ananimal:
Somehowyourpanicandfeartransmitsitselftothehorsethat you'reriding.不知怎么的,你的恐惧会传染给你骑的马。
Thattensionandsenseof antipication willinevitablybe transmittedtotheteam.
I'm transmitting myfeelingsthroughmusic.
- Cholera is transmitted throughcontaminatedwater.
- Sometypesof theanophelesmosquitotransmitmalariatohumans.
- He transmits thatjoyousfeelingrightthrough the TVscreen.
- The captain'sfightingspirittransmitted itself to England'sbowlers.
- There aresociallytransmittedpatternswhichdominatethefeelings,thoughtandbehaviorofindividualsin allhumancommunities.
Passing on illness & causing disease
- aerosolize
- catching
- community transmission
- contact tracer
- contact tracing
- disseminator
- epidemic
- harbour
- infect
- infected
- insalubrious
- noncarrier
- noncontagious
- pass on
- percent positive
- pestilential
- transmissible
- transmittable
- unhygienic
- virally
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