triceps dip
uk/ˈtraɪ.seps ˌdɪp/us/ˈtraɪ.seps ˌdɪp/anexerciseto makeyourtriceps(= thelargemuscleat the back of theupperarm)stronger. Itinvolvesraisingandloweringyourbodyonyourhandswithyourarmsbentbehind you, while in asittingpositionwithyourlegsstraightout infrontof you:
Tricepsdipsare one of thebestwaystotoneyourtriceps,accordingtoresearchfrom the American Council on Exercise.根据美国运动委员会的研究,窄握双杠臂屈伸是锻炼肱三头肌的最佳方法之一。

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- SET 2 Alternatesteplungetotricepsdip: Onegreatadvantageof thisexerciseis thesenseofachievementitcreates.
- Tricepsdips: You useyourarmsmore often than you'dthinkwhenskiing.
- Thetricepsdipis anamazingbodyweightexerciseforyourupperbody.
Exercising & training
- aerial yoga
- aerobic
- Anti-Gravity yoga
- aquacise
- aquarobics
- bench
- interval training
- jog
- jog trot
- jumping jack
- Kegel exercise
- kettlebell
- resistance training
- Spinning
- stability ball
- star jump
- sweat
- Swiss ball
- tai chi
- taper