uk/ˈtrɪɡ.ər/us/ˈtrɪɡ.ɚ/triggernoun(GUN PART)
apartof agunthatcausestheguntofirewhenpressed:
(枪的)扳机It's notclearwhoactuallypulledthe trigger.不清楚究竟是谁扣动的扳机。

Caspar Benson/GettyImages
Parts of guns
- banana clip
- barrel
- bore
- bump stock
- business end
- butt
- clip
- flint
- gauge
- holster
- muffler
- plier
- ramrod
- safety catch
- sight
- silencer
- stock
- turret
[Cusually singular]
aneventorsituation, etc. thatcausessomething tostart:
(引起某种坏事的)一件事(或情况)There arefearsthat theincidentmay be a triggerformoreviolencein thecapital.有人担心,这次事件可能在首都引发进一步的暴力活动。
[Cusually singular]psychologyspecialized
something thatcausessomeone tofeelupsetandfrightenedbecause they are made toremembersomethingbadthat hashappenedin the past:
引发(难过、害怕等感觉)的原因,诱因A trigger is something that sets off aflashback,transportingthepersonback to thetraumaticevent.诱因引发往事的重现,将人带回到创伤性的事件中。
Beginnings and starts
- a baptism of/by fireidiom
- advent
- baptism
- beginning
- birth
- commencement
- inception
- initiation
- introduction
- jumping-off point
- kick off
- onset
- outbreak
- square
- start
- starter
- starting point
- starting time
- the thin end of the wedgeidiom
- zero hour
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Causing anxiety and worry
tocausesomething tostart:
Ultraviolet-Bradiationtriggers theskintoproducevitaminD.紫外线B的辐射会促使皮肤产生维生素D。
Theracialkillingsat theweekendhave triggeredoffawaveofprotests.周末发生的种族屠杀引发了抗议浪潮。
to make something happen
- causeFirefighters determined that a campfire spark caused the wildfire.
- bring aboutMany illnesses are brought about by poor diet and lack of exercise.
- result inThe fire resulted in damage to their house.
- lead toReducing speed limits has led to fewer deaths on the motorways.
- makeThe heat is making me tired.
- arouseIt's a subject that has aroused a lot of interest.
tocauseastrongemotionalreactionoffear,shock,anger, orworryin someone,especiallybecause they are made toremembersomethingbadthat hashappenedin the past:
Seeing him come towards me just triggered me and Iscreamed.
He could be triggered by aloudnoise.
- Onetypeofdiabetesis an auto-immunediseasethat may be triggered by avirus.
- Theracialkillingsat theweekendhave triggered off awaveofproteststhroughoutthecountry.
- Avoteof noconfidencewould trigger anelection.
- Thecarcrashtriggered a lot ofbadmemoriesfor me.
- We will neverknowwhat hismotiveswere for therampageand what triggered him.
- She can trigger you because sheknowstherightbuttonstopush.
Starting and beginning
- be in the first flush ofidiom
- be/get in on the ground flooridiom
- become
- begin
- branch out
- develop
- export
- get down to businessidiom
- grow
- half-cock
- here
- here goes!idiom
- hit the ground runningidiom
- stirring
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)
- stuck
- stumble intosomething
- swing into actionidiom
- the ground floor
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making people sad, shocked and upset
Causing feelings of anger and displeasure