uk/træp/us/træp/trapnoun(SOMETHING THAT PREVENTS ESCAPE)
陷阱;夹子;捕捉器Thefoxgotitsfootcaughtina trap.狐狸的一只脚被夹子夹住了。

adangerousorunpleasantsituationwhich you have got into and from which it isdifficultorimpossibletoescape:
圈套;诡计Theundercoveragentswent to therendezvousknowingthat it might be a trap.尽管知道这可能是个圈套,这些秘密特工还是去了会面地点。
She's toosmarttofallintothe trap ofworkingwithoutpay.她这人很聪明,决不会上当去做任何不给报酬的工作。
- Don'tfallinto the trap ofthinkingyou canlearnaforeignlanguagewithout doing anywork.
- Hisfootwascaughtin thejawsof the trap.
- We set a trap and theywalkedrightinto it.
- They putrabbittraps all over thewood.
- We set traps totrytocontrolthemice.
Hunting & fishing
- angler
- angling
- anti-hunt
- anti-hunter
- anti-hunting
- barb
- fisherman
- fishhook
- fishing line
- fishing rod
- fly fishing
- fox hunt
- outfish
- overfishing
- poach
- poaching
- predation
- quarry
- spear
- whaler
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Plotting & trapping
嘴Oh,shutyourtrap(=stoptalking)- I don'twanttohearitanymore!哦,闭嘴——我不想再听了!
It's asecret, sokeepyourtrapshut(= don't say anything about it).这是个秘密,你得守口如瓶。
The mouth & throat
- -throated
- adenoid
- airway
- alveolar
- alveolar ridge
- buccal
- buccinator
- labiodental
- laryngeal
- larynx
- lingual
- mandibular
- maxillofacial
- soft palate
- tensor veli palatini muscle
- trachea
- uvula
- uvular
- velum
- vocal cords
asmall,lightcarriage(= avehiclepulledbyhorses, usedespeciallyin the past)with twowheels,pulledby onehorse:
Heofferedto give hisfriendaliftin his trap.
I wasmetat thestationin aponyandtrap and taken to my newemployer.
Thedoctorcame in ahorseandtrap in the late 19thcenturybutlaterhad achauffeurdrivencar.

duncan1890/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyImages
Carriages & carts
- brougham
- buggy
- carriage
- carryall
- chaise
- chuckwagon
- coupe
- covered wagon
- dray
- gig
- horse-drawn
- horsebox
- ox-drawn
- popemobile
- sedan chair
- stagecoach
- surrey
- trishaw
- tuktuk
- wagon
sportsspecialized(alsotrap play)
in Americanfootball, aplay(=action)in which adefensiveplayer(= onetryingtostoptheopponentsfromscoring)isallowedtocrossthelineofscrimmage(= thelineon which theballispositionedat thebeginningofplay)and thenblockedso that theplayercarryingtheballcan go through thegap:
Houstonkeptgainingbigyardage with a trap.
Theyopenedaholefor thefullbackto make a 23-yardgainon a trapplay.
- 18-yard box
- 2 3 5
- 4 3 2 1
- 4 4 2
- 4 5 1
- football pools
- footgolfer
- formation
- foul throw
- four five one
- four four two
- nutmeg
- premiership
- professional foul
- promedios
- rabona
- reducer
- relegation zone
- sweeper
- woodwork
short fortrap music
See also
like asteeltrap
uk/træp/us/træp/-pp-tocatchananimalin a trap:
设陷阱(或夹子、捕捉器)捕捉Shesurvivedin thewildernessbyeatingberriesand trappingsmallanimalsandbirds.她靠着吃浆果和设陷阱捕捉小动物和鸟,在野外活了下来。
to take a wild or loose animal
- catchThe dog got out, but we caught her.
- netWe netted a ton of fish downstream.
- trawlCommercial fisheries trawl these waters for cod.
- trollThey troll for tuna far offshore.
- lassoThe cowboys learned at a young age how to lasso horses and steers.
- trapThe turtles are trapped for their flesh.
tokeepsomething such asheatorwaterin oneplace,especiallybecause it isuseful:
(尤指为利用而)收集,存住,保存(热量、水等)Agreenhousestayswarmbecause theglasstraps theheatof thesun.温室保持着温暖,因为玻璃吸收了太阳的热量。
be trapped
If someone or something is trapped, thatpersonor thing isunabletomoveorescapefrom aplaceorsituation:
被困住;陷入困境The two mendiedwhen they were trappedinaburningbuilding.这两名男子因被困在燃烧着的大楼里而丧生。
Fireofficersusedcuttingequipmenttofreehislegs, which were trapped under asteelbeam.消防队员们用切割设备松开他被压在一根钢梁下的双腿。
figurativeJackleftthejobafter tenyearsbecause he wasbeginningtofeeltrapped.杰克10年后辞掉了这份工作,因为他开始感到被束缚住了。
be trapped into (doing)something
to beforcedortrickedinto doing something that you do notwantto do:
被迫做;被诱骗做In hisbook, Holdenspeculatesthat Shakespeare was anunfaithfulhusbandwho was trapped intomarriage.霍尔登在其书中推测莎士比亚是个被迫结婚而对妻子不忠的丈夫。
She had been trapped into saying something she did notmean.她被迫说了违心的话。
tobringafootballthat ismovingorfallingthrough theairundercontrolusingyourfeet:
(足球)脚底停球Intraining, we getplayerstopractisetrapping theballfromawkwardangles.在训练中,我们让球员练习用脚停住各种角度刁钻的球。
- She went to theaidof a man trapped in hiscar.
- Firefightershelpedtodigout thepeopletrapped in thesnowdrift.
- Rescuers are doing everything that ishumanlypossibletofreethe trappedpeople.
- Janeis trapped in ajoylessmarriage.
- We couldhearthemoansof someone trapped under therubble.
Hunting & fishing
- angler
- angling
- anti-hunt
- anti-hunter
- anti-hunting
- barb
- fisherman
- fishhook
- fishing line
- fishing rod
- fly fishing
- fox hunt
- outfish
- overfishing
- poach
- poaching
- predation
- quarry
- spear
- whaler
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Keeping and storing things
Plotting & trapping
Causing somebody to act