anatomyspecializeduk/ˈæk.sən.əl/us/ˈæk.sən.əl/relatingto anaxonor axons(= thread-likestructuresattachedto anervecellthatsendoutsignalsaway from thecell):
(神经元的)轴突的Theseproteinsregulateaxonalgrowthduring thedevelopmentof thecentralnervoussystem.这些蛋白在中枢神经系统发育时调控轴突的生长。
Thegrowingend of aneuronreceivesthenecessarymaterialsby axonaltransportfrom thecellbody.轴突电活动
- Diffuse axonalinjuryis one of the mostcommonanddevastatingtypesoftraumaticbraininjury.
- Musclewastingdevelopsif axonaldegenerationhasoccurred.
- Thelesionsappearto becloselyassociatedwith axonaldisruption.
- We did notobserveglialcellswithout anycontactwith axonalmembranes.
Substances & structures in the body
- abductor
- accessorius
- adductor
- adenoid
- agonist
- grey matter
- groove
- gyrus
- hallucis
- hilum
- papilla
- papillary
- parietal
- pecten
- pectineal
- vesical
- vesicle
- vestibular
- vestibule
- visceral muscle