baby blues
uk/ˈbeɪ.bi ˌbluːz/us/ˈbeɪ.bi ˌbluːz/afeelingofsadnessthat some womenexperienceafter they have givenbirthto ababy:
女性在分娩后经历的一种忧郁情绪;产后忧郁症According to thisarticle, as many as 60percentof womensufferfrom thebabyblues.这篇文章显示,高达60%的女性有产后忧郁症。
Mental illnesses
- ad
- adjustment disorder
- age-associated memory impairment
- anhedonia
- anorexia nervosa
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- hoarder
- hoarding
- Hyde
- hypochondriac
- hypochondriasis
- hysterical
- Jekyll and Hyde
- nervous breakdown
- psychosis
- self-alienation
- senility
- somatization
- somatize
- Stockholm syndrome