They aredevelopinga newrangeof ultra-smallcomputers.
They use ultrasmallparticlesto make thematerialstronger.
- Thebuildingcontainsten ultra-smallapartments.
- Theyplanto use the newmaterialtocreateultra-smallelectronicdevices.
- This ultrasmallcameracan behiddeninside apen, but stilltakesgreatphotosandvideos.
- Researchers in Antarctica havediscoveredseveral newspeciesof ultrasmallbacteria.
- The newcompanywillsupplycomponentsto be used in ultra-smallcomputers.
Extremely small
- atomized
- be knee-high to a grasshopperidiom
- exiguous
- fractional
- imperceptible
- incy
- irreducibly
- itsy-bitsy
- itty-bitty
- knee-high
- Lilliputian
- nano-
- slim
- slimness
- subatomic
- teensy
- teeny
- tiddly
- vanishingly
- weeny