adeviceforprotectionagainst therain, consisting of astickwith afoldingframecoveredinmaterialat one end and usually ahandleat the other, or asimilar, oftenlarger,deviceused forprotectionagainst thesun:
伞;雨伞;阳伞Ifelta fewdropsofrain, so I put my umbrella up.我感到有几滴雨点,于是便撑起了雨伞。
Ileftmy umbrella on thebusyesterday.我昨天把伞落在公交车上了。

Peter Dazeley/Photographer's Choice/GettyImages
- Damn! I'veleftmy umbrella in theoffice.
- "You've got my umbrella!" heejaculated.
- Sheabsent-mindedlylefther umbrella on thebus.
- I'll have to go back for my umbrella.
- The umbrella wasingeniouslydevisedtofoldup intoyourpocket.
Gloves & accessories
- aviator glasses
- bandeau
- bell
- boutonniere
- brolly
- buttonhole
- eyewear
- fingerless
- glove
- gloved
- handkerchief
- hanky
- muff
- parasol
- pashmina
- pocket handkerchief
- rosette
- shade
- tiepin
- utility belt
something thatincludesorrepresentsagrouporrangeofsimilarthings:
综合体;总体Herunsagroupofcompaniesunder theumbrellaofUniversal Foods.他经营一组公司,总称为Universal Foods。
The Organization ofIslamicConference is an umbrellaorganizationrepresenting57Muslimnations.伊斯兰国家组织是代表57个伊斯兰国家的机构。
Existentialism was really an umbrellatermtolumptogether theworksof severalphilosophersandwriters.存在主义实际上是一个把几位哲学家和作家的作品归并在一起的总称。
Classifying and creating order
- alphabetize
- anti-hierarchical
- arrange
- arrangement
- arranger
- array
- bracket
- lay
- misclassification
- misclassify
- miscode
- mislabel
- misorder
- nest
- set out
- setsomethingup
- shake
- shakesomeonedown
- short-list
- shortlist