uk/tɜːn/us/tɝːn/turnverb(GO ROUND)
to (causeto)movein acirclearound afixedpointorline:
(使)转动;(使)旋转Theearthturnsonitsaxisonceevery 24hours.地球每24小时绕地轴自转一周。
She turnedonhertoes,holdingout herskirt.她拎起裙摆踮着脚尖旋转。
Thewheelsstartedto turn(around).轮子开始转动了。
Turn thesteeringwheelasquicklyas you can.以最快速度打轮。
She turned thedoorknobandquietlyopenedthedoor.她转动门把手,悄悄地开了门。
Slowly, I turned thedoorhandle.我慢慢地拧动门把手。
- There was noairconditioning, just aceilingfanturningslowly.
- Iheardsomeone turn akeyin thelock.
- She turned thehandleandslowlyopenedthedoor.
- Wewatchedas thesailsof thewindmillslowlystartedto turn.
- When thiswheelturns, it makes thosebigstonesturn whichgrindthegrainintoflour.
Revolving, rotating and spinning
- around
- around and aroundidiom
- backspin
- birl
- centrifugal
- circuit
- revolve
- revolving
- rotary
- rotate
- rotation
- span
- spin
- swim
- swing
- twirl
- twirling
- twirly
- underspin
- wheel round
to (causeto)changethedirectionin which you arefacingormoving:
(使)转向;(使)转身Turnrightat thetrafficlights.在红绿灯处向右拐。
Thepathtwistsandturns for the nexthalfmile.接下来这条小路有半英里是弯弯曲曲的。
We have to turn down/into/up the nextroadon theright.我们必须在下一个路口往右拐。
Plantstendto turn towards thesourceoflight.植物往往朝向光源生长。
She turned tofacehim.她转过身面对他。
He turnedroundandwavedto us.他转身向我们招手。
He turnedon hisheel(= turnedquicklytofacetheoppositedirection)andlefttheroom.他迅速转身离开了房间。
Thepersonon myleftturnedtome andwhispered"Not anotherspeech!"我左边的人转向我,耳语道:“可别再来一场演讲!”
Hiswifetriedtospeakto him, but he turned his back (onher)/turned away (from her)(=movedso that his back, not hisface, was towards her to show hisanger).他的妻子想跟他说话,可他却转过身去不予理睬。
At about three o'clock,thetidestartedto turn(= theseastartedto comecloserto ormoveaway from thebeach).大约3点钟,潮水开始涌动。
He turned hisheadto me tolisten.他转过头来听我讲话。
I'll just turn thecarroundand go back the way we came.我这就调转车头,原路返回。
Wewatcheduntil thecarhad turned(= gone around)thecorner.我们一直看着那辆车子拐弯后才作罢。
Thearmyturnedtheirgunson(=pointedthem at andstartedtoshootat)theprotesters.军队朝抗议者开枪。
She can turn(=perform)asomersault.她会空翻。
- Follow theroadfor twokilometres, then turnleft.
- Thesightwas sohorriblethat I had to turn away.
- He would always turn andwaveat the end of thestreet.
- Theintrudersturned andranas thepoliceshonetheirtorchesfullon them.
- Theplaneturnednorthwards.
Changing direction
- about-face
- about-turn
- bear
- branch off
- break
- cut
- decoy
- deflect
- diversionary
- divert
- glance off(something)
- head off
- oscillate
- peaked
- reverse
- turn off(something)
- U-ie
- veer
- wheel
- yo-yoing
tomove, or tomoveanobjectorpage, so that a differentsideorsurfaceis on thetop:
翻动(书页);(使)翻转;(使)翻身Now turn thepage,please, andstartworkon Exercise 2.现在请翻到下一页,开始做练习2。
She turned thevaseovertolookfor theprice.她把花瓶翻过来看价格。
He turnedovertwo or threepages.他翻了两三页。
She put out thelight, turnedover(=rolledinordertofacein anotherdirection)and went tosleep.她熄了灯,翻了个身,就睡着了。
Now turnto(=openthebookat)page23 andlookat the firstparagraph.现在请翻到第23页,看第一段。
- Thecarspunoff theroad, turned overtwiceand came torestin afield.
- Thatpaintingis upside-down - turn it the other way,quick!
- It'stimeto turn thecassetteover - that side'sfinished.
- Turn thecushionthe other way up, so that thestaindoesn't show.
- Hekeepsturning thepages, but I don'tthinkhe canactuallybereadingit thatquickly.
Changing direction
- about-face
- about-turn
- bear
- branch off
- break
- cut
- decoy
- deflect
- diversionary
- divert
- glance off(something)
- head off
- oscillate
- peaked
- reverse
- turn off(something)
- U-ie
- veer
- wheel
- yo-yoing
B2[L,IorTusually+ adv/prep]
to (causeto)become,changeinto, or come to be something:
When Irefusedtopay, he turnednasty.当我拒绝付钱时,他的态度变得很恶劣。
She turnedpaleandstartedtoshiver.她的脸色变得苍白,身子开始颤抖。
Themoodof themeetingturnedsolemnwhen theextentof theproblembecameknown.当问题的严重程度披露后,会议的气氛开始变得严肃起来。
Thecompaniesworkedwell together for a while, buteventuallytherelationshipturnedsour(=becamebad).这些公司一度合作得很好,但最后关系闹僵了。
Keele,popstarturnedbusinesstycoon, haslauncheda newrangeofcosmetics.基尔,从流行音乐歌星摇身成为商业巨子,已经推出了一个新系列的化妆品。
Thedryweatherturned thesoilinto/toconcrete.干旱天气使土壤板结。
By the end ofSeptember, theleaveshavestartedto turn(=becomebrown).到9月底,叶子就开始变黄。
Herattitudeturnedfrompolitelyinterestedtoenthusiasticduring thecourseofourconversation.在我们谈话期间她的态度发生了转变,先是出于礼貌表示感兴趣,后来就变得很热情。
to become
- becomeMy arm was becoming more and more painful.
- getIt’s getting dark now.
- growTempers had been growing more and more frayed during the evening.
- goMy hair is going white.
- turnThe sky turned black.
turn 16, nine o'clock, etc.
达到16岁/9点钟(等等)She turned 18 lastyear.她去年满18岁。
It's just turned ten o'clock.刚到10点。
- Hestartedto turngreyin his mid-forties.
- We'replanningto turn thesmallestbedroominto anoffice.
- Thesituationcould turnnastyat anymoment.
- He was anamateursingeruntil theageof 40, when he turnedprofessional.
- You makewinebyleavinggrapejuicetofermentuntil all thesugarhas turned toalcohol.
- about-face
- about-turn
- alterable
- altered
- alternate
- disturb
- drip
- modulate
- modulation
- move on
- move the goalpostsidiom
- move with the timesidiom
- pivot
- rewrite
- sanitization
- shakesomeoneout ofsomething
- shakesomeoneup
- stead
- steepness
- sway
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Describing age & birthdays
A2[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
to use acontroltoswitchapieceofequipmentor apowerorwatersupplyon or off, or toincreaseorreducewhat it isproducing:
Who turned the TVon?谁开的电视?
Iaskedhim to turndowntheheating.我叫他把暖气关小一点。
Turn thesoundup- I can'thearwhat they're saying.把声音开大一些——我听不清他们在说什么。
Theheaterturnsoff(= can beswitchedoff)using thisswitch.用这个开关可以关闭暖气。
- Could you turn thelightoff,please?
- To turn thetelevisionon, you justpushthisbutton.
- Thebathisrunningover -quick, turn thetapsoff.
- Are youcomfortableor shall I turn theheatdown?
- Theelectricityhas been turned off.
Electricity & electronics
- anti-static
- arc
- bitstream
- brownout
- capacitance
- chargeable
- charged
- conduct
- electromagnetism
- generate
- hydropower
- negatively
- non-electric
- non-electrical
- non-electronic
- non-polar
- photoelectric
- piezoelectric
- pylon
- resistance
todamagethemusclesin thefootbysuddenlytwistingit toostrongly:
扭伤脚踝,崴了脚She turned herankleon therocksand had tohobbleback tocamp.她在石头上崴了脚,不得不蹒跚着走回营地。
Injuring and injuries
- at-risk
- be in the warsidiom
- bite
- boo-boo
- cripple
- disable
- harm
- incapacitate
- injure
- injury
- lesion
- lesional
- reinjure
- reinjury
- scarred
- scathe
- sprain
- strain
- trauma
- wounded
toshapeapieceofwoodwhile it isattachedto amachinethatspinsit:
在车床上车(木头)a turnedbowl车成的碗
Building: carpentry & joinery
- beading
- bevel
- bevelled
- cabinetmaker
- carpenter
- fretsaw
- gimlet
- intarsia
- jigsaw
- joinery
- mitre
- panel
- plane
- prime
- sand
- sandpaper
- sawdust
- seasoned
- shelve
- woodwork
not turn a hair
turn a blind eye
turn a deaf ear
turnyourback onsomething
turnyourback onsomeone
turnyourhand tosomething
turnyournose up
turn over a new leaf
turn (something) upside down
turn tail
turn the clock back
turn the corner
turn the other cheek
turn the spotlight onsomething
turn the tables onsomeone
Phrasal verbs
turn around
turn away
turn in
turn off(something)
turn onsomeone
turn onsomething
turnsomeoneon tosomething
turn out
turn over
turn oversomething
turnsomethingover tosomeone
turnsomeoneover tosomeone
turn round
turn tosomeone/something
turn tosomething
turn up(somewhere)
turn up
uk/tɜːn/us/tɝːn/turnnoun(TIME TO DO STH)
anopportunityor adutyto do something at aparticulartimeor in aparticularorder, before or after otherpeople:
(依次轮到的)机会,一个班次Is it my turnyet?轮到我了吗?
[+ to infinitive]Iwaitedsolongfor my turntoseethecareersadviserthat Imissedmybus.我等了很长时间才轮到见就业顾问,结果错过了公共汽车。
It'syourturntodo thedishes!轮到你洗碗了!
In thisgameif you give thewrongansweryou have tomissa turn.在这个游戏中,如果你回答错了,就会失去一次机会。
take turnsB2(UKalsotake it in turn(s))
When anumberofpeopletake turns, they do the same thing one after the other:
轮流,依次We take turnsansweringthephone.我们轮流接电话。
in turnC1(alsoby turns)
one after the other in anagreedorder:
依次,轮流Each of ustakesabreakin turn.我们轮流休息。
- Whose turn is it tobuythedrinks?
- I'msorry, but you'll just have towaityourturn like everybodyelse.
- Get to the end of thequeueandwaityourturn like everyoneelse.
- Come on, it's my turn. Fair'sfair!
- Fair gomate,lettheothershave a turn!
- another/a second bite at/of the cherryidiom
- be in with a shoutidiom
- best betidiom
- bite
- break
- foot
- half
- hay
- headroom
- it's now or neveridiom
- last chance saloon
- look in
- pass
- platform
- scope
- shop window
- smell bloodidiom
- sneak peek
- the American dream
- there are plenty more fish in the seaidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Replacing and exchanging
Simultaneous and consecutive
turnnoun(GO ROUND)
anactionthatcausessomething tomovein acircleround afixedpoint:
转动,旋转;拧动Give thescrewacoupleof turns to makesureit'stight.将螺丝拧几下,确保它上紧了。
- I gave theknobacoupleof turns.
- One turn is enough to get theheatinggoing.
- It took severalviolentturns of thehandleto set thetractorinmotion.
Revolving, rotating and spinning
- around
- around and aroundidiom
- backspin
- birl
- centrifugal
- circuit
- revolve
- revolving
- rotary
- rotate
- rotation
- span
- spin
- swim
- swing
- twirl
- twirling
- twirly
- underspin
- wheel round
achangein thedirectionin which you aremovingorfacing:
转向,转弯When youseetheschoolon theleft,makearightturn.当你在左手边看见学校时就立刻右转。
on the turn
Something that is on the turn is about tochangedirection:
即将转变的,正要转变的Thetideis on the turn.要涨潮了。
the turn ofsomething
thepointat which somethingchangesormovesin a differentdirection:
转变时期;转折点the turn of thetide潮流的转变
She wasbornaround the turn of thecentury(= around 1900, 2000, etc.).她出生于世纪之交。
- Take arightturn by thestation.
- Just take threeleftturns and you willreachtheschool.
- Irememberedto get toyourhouseit was aleftturn after thetrafficlights.
- Hetriedto take the turn tooquicklyandveeredoff theroad.
Changing direction
- about-face
- about-turn
- bear
- branch off
- break
- cut
- decoy
- deflect
- diversionary
- divert
- glance off(something)
- head off
- oscillate
- peaked
- reverse
- turn off(something)
- U-ie
- veer
- wheel
- yo-yoing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Geometry: bends, loops & curves
take a ... turn
todevelopin aparticularway:
朝…发生变化Thebattleforcontrolof thecompanytook aninterestingturn today.控制公司的争夺战今天发生了有趣的变化。
Events took anunexpectedturn when hermothersuddenlyarrived.她母亲突然到来,情况发生了意想不到的变化。
take a turn for the better/worse
突然好转/恶化Theirrelationshiptook a turn for theworsewhen helosthisjob.他失业后他们的关系变得更糟了。
Making progress and advancing
- advancement
- age
- ahead
- ahead of
- anti-development
- carry
- flourish
- flower
- furtherance
- gather
- get beyondsomething
- get it togetheridiom
- journey
- mature
- pan
- ripen
- ripeness
- self-advancement
- self-betterment
- self-development
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Becoming better
Failing and doing badly
节目;演出The firstcoupleof turns werechildrensinginganddancing.头几个节目是儿童歌舞。
Spectacles & performances
- aerobatic
- amateur theater
- balancing act
- bullfight
- bullfighting
- double-header
- minstrel show
- music hall
- non-musical
- one-night stand
- one-person
- rendering
- routine
- spectacle
- spectacular
- street theatre
- stripping
- striptease
- super-spectacle
- supershow
aslightillness, astrangefeeling, or anervousshock:
不适感;奇怪的感觉;一惊,一吓After theaccidentIstartedhavingfunnyturns.事故后我开始时不时地感到不适。
Itgavemequiteaturn toseehim after all theseyears.这么多年以后再看到他真令我感到意外。
Disease & illness - general words
- aggressiveness
- autoimmune disease
- bilharzia
- bluetongue
- calculus
- hypochondriac
- iatrogenic
- ill health
- impairment
- incurably
- outbreak
- pathology
- pathway
- seizure
- terminally
- uncomplicated
- variant
- worried well
- zoonosis
a good/bad turn
at every turn
a turn of the screw
cooked/done to a turn
one good turn deserves another
speak/talk out of turn