turtle bean
uk/ˈtɜː.təl ˌbiːn/us/ˈtɝː.t̬əl ˌbiːn/(alsoblack bean,black turtle bean)asmall,blackbeanthat can beeaten:

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- Thedriedturtlebeansdon't need to besoakedfor thisrecipe.
- Theblackturtlebeanis alsopopularfor making intosoups.
- Thesebeansarecommonlyreferred to asturtlebeans,probablyinreferencetotheirshiny,dark, shell-likeappearance.
- Theblackturtlebeanhas adense,meatytexture, which makes itpopularinvegetariandishes.
- Blackbeans: also calledturtlebeans, theseshiny, kidney-shaped, black-skinnedlegumesare astapleintheirnativeCuba and inSouthandCentralAmerica.
Beans & pulses
- aduki
- adzuki
- aquafaba
- azuki
- bean
- cowpea
- dal
- dhal
- fava bean
- flageolet
- lima bean
- mangetout
- marrowfat pea
- mung bean
- natto
- snow pea
- soy
- soya
- soya bean
- split pea