(UKusuallyunappetising)uk/ʌnˈæp.ə.taɪ.zɪŋ/us/ʌnˈæp.ə.taɪ.zɪŋ/Unappetizingfooddoes notlookorsmellattractiveand does not make youwanttoeatit:
引不起食欲的,倒胃口的If youovercookpastabeforefreezingit,itstexturewill be unappetizingonceit'sdefrosted.如果你在冷冻意大利面之前煮过头了,一旦解冻,口感就会变得很倒胃口。
没有吸引力的,让人看了不舒服的Thewaterfrontisdistinctlyunappetizing: amixtureofbrokenconcrete,rawsewage, andpilesofgarbagetossedovergardenwalls.滨水区显然让人大倒胃口:破碎的混凝土、未经处理的污水、扔在花园墙上的一堆堆垃圾,如此种种混在一起。
- Patients arereluctanttoeatmealsthat are unappetizing.
- Manypeoplefindmilkproductsunappetizing.
- People from thistribewere notallowedto owncattleso they had tohuntthe unappetizingwildgame, something a Masai would never do.
- Although Ifoundthefoodunappetizing, Iwarmedto theatmosphereof theplace.
- Highcapitalcostscould make suchprojectsunappetizing forinvestorstoswallowwithoutfederalincentives.
Not attractive to look at
- back end
- be no oil paintingidiom
- be not much to look atidiom
- bleakly
- bleakness
- chintzy
- excrescence
- gopping
- gracelessly
- hatchet-faced
- have a face like the back end of a busidiom
- hideous
- hideousness
- plug-ugly
- pretty
- pretty-pretty
- reptilian
- scrappily
- vulgarity
- vulgarly
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Not of good quality