uk/ʌnˈblɪŋ.kɪŋ.li/us/ʌnˈblɪŋ.kɪŋ.li/in a way thatinvolveslookingdirectlyandcontinuouslyat apersonor thing:
不眨眼地Shelistenedunblinkingly as thejudgereadout thesentence.当法官宣读判决时,她眼睛一眨不眨地听着。
Theboycontinuedtostareunblinkingly at him.那男孩继续目不转睛地盯着他。
in a way that iscompletelyclear, orshowsnodoubtorfear:
明确地;毫不畏惧地Thefilmis unblinkinglyhonestinitsobservations.这部电影的观察非常清晰,丝毫不掩饰真相。
We have tofocusclearlyand unblinkingly on thiscrisis.我们必须明确、毫不犹豫地关注这场危机。
- Hestaredunblinkingly at theceiling,listening.
- Hislargeblueeyesgazedunblinkingly at Peter.
- It was Churchill'sabilitytoseeclearlyand unblinkingly what mostothers,includingmostmilitarymen of histime, could not or did notwanttosee.
- Thefilmdepictsviolenceunblinkingly.
Using the eyes
- accommodate
- accommodation
- all eyes are onsomeone/somethingidiom
- astigmatic
- beholder
- butcher
- corner
- gaze
- glass
- lookout
- peep
- perceive
- saw
- scope
- seesomethingwithyourown eyesidiom
- seeing is believingidiom
- shoot a glance atsomeoneidiom
- spot
- stand oversomeone
- tab
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Blunt and direct in speech & behaviour