uk/ˌʌn.dəˈɡraʊnd/us/ˌʌn.dɚˈɡraʊnd/undergroundadjective,adverb(BELOW EARTH)
below thesurfaceof theearth; belowground:
在地下(的),在地面以下的an undergroundcave/passage/cable地下洞穴/通道/电缆
- Hesuffersfromclaustrophobiaso he nevertravelson undergroundtrains.
- Tenminersweretrappedunderground when theroofof thetunnelfellin.
- Electricalpowerissuppliedby undergroundcables.
- Planesbombedtheguerrillapositionsyesterdayin anattempttoflushoutsnipersfrom undergroundtunnels.
- Hisgrandfatherhadboughtthelandas aninvestment,guessingthat there might begoldunderground.
The Earth & outer space - general words
- ablate
- aeolian
- alluvium
- anti-gravity
- atmosphere
- auroral
- geo-
- geocentric
- geophysicist
- globe
- horizon
- lithosphere
- lithospheric
- mesosphere
- mesospheric
- microgravity
- the Big Bang
- the big bang theory
- the firmament
- universe
An undergroundactivityissecretand usuallyillegal:
秘密的(地);地下的(地)an undergroundnewspaper/movement地下报纸/运动
TheCommunistPartywasforced(togo) underground, anditsleaderswent intohiding.共产党被迫转为地下活动,其领导人也隐藏了起来。
the underground railroad
asecretsystem, used in the 19thcentury, by whichslaves(=peoplewho had beensoldandforcedtowork)in thesouthernUS werehelpedtoescapetoplaceswhere there was noslavery
(十九世纪在美国用来帮助南方黑奴逃脱至废除了黑奴制度地区的)地下铁路Secrecy and privacy
- anonymity
- anonymization
- anonymize
- anonymous
- anonymously
- cryptography
- data protection
- dead men tell no talesidiom
- dissimulate
- dissimulation
- privacy settings
- private
- privately
- privileged
- pseudonym
- under wrapsidiom
- undisclosed
- whitewashing
- wrap
- wrapped (up) in secrecyidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Legal & illegal
the undergroundA2[S]UK(alsothe tube)
arailwaysystemin whichelectrictrainstravelthroughtunnelsbelowground:
地铁theLondon Underground伦敦地铁
They wenton theunderground.他们乘地铁去的。

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Railways & railway lines
- Amtrak
- artery
- branch line
- electrify
- funicular
- junction
- level crossing
- light rail
- light railway
- metro
- monorail
- railroad
- railroad tie
- RR
- siding
- signal
- signal box
- switch
- switchback
- track
peoplein asocietywho aretryingnew and oftenshockingorillegalwaysoflivingorformsofart:
先锋派团体InBritainand theUSAin the 1970s,theunderground was apowerfulsubversiveforce.20世纪70年代,先锋派团体在英国和美国是一支强大的颠覆性力量。
the underground
agroupofpeoplewhosecretlyfightagainst thegovernment:
(反政府的)地下组织He was amemberoftheunderground,harassingtheinvadingarmy.他是袭扰侵略军的地下组织成员。
Nomadic & alternative lifestyles
- a rolling stone (gathers no moss)idiom
- beatnik
- bohemian
- boho
- communal
- crusty
- demi-monde
- flower child
- go/get back to natureidiom
- greaser
- maker culture
- nature
- New Age
- New Age traveller
- New Ager
- nomad
- rolling
- the Beat Generation
- traveller
- wild child
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Taking action against people in power
Activism & pressure groups